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Sunday, 1 November 2020

1/Nov/20 I'm not so keen on fireworks at Halloween


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

If were up to me, the Big Guy would have sat in the regular chair in the living room and Tonya would have sat on the couch.

I was on the couch, looking for comfort.

The fireworks that people were setting off were hurting my ears.

What crazy person decided that this would be a good idea anyways?

The flash, I'm used to.  When you live with the Big Guy and he takes your picture EVER DAY, you will get used to that.

But it was the "bang" part that I didn't like so much.

It is over for another year.

The next thing that we got to do is to put the Halloween decorations away.  Then think about bringing out the XMas decorations.

They will not go out for another few weeks.  The Big Guy doesn't decorate prior to Remembrance Day.

He doesn't mind if other people do.  He can fully appreciate the colorful lights.  Also, it's nicer to decorate in the milder weather.

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Bye bye fur now

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