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Wednesday, 18 November 2020

18/Nov/20 oh yawn bore


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Today, in our forecast, they are saying, it may snow.

The Big Guy is ready for the snow.  His snow blower is all gassed up and ready to go.

Now, we're not getting a huge amount of snow.  Just enough to say, "Hey look!  It's snowing!".  It's also supposed to be that wet heavy snow that everyone hates.  It's hard to move around.  Because, it's wet and heavy.

When the Big Guy lived out in the Prairies, Moose Jaw and Winnipeg, they didn't get wet snow.  They got light fluffy snow.  Really easy to shovel.  Easy on the snow blower too.

Wet snow, really sticks to my fur.  That means it melts thru and gets to my skin.

Ok, ok, I know, I normally like snow.  But the wet stuff.  Not really.  It's good enough for me to go outside and do my "business", but otherwise, I don't want to sit outside too long when it's wet snow.

But if it was the fluffy stuff.  Oh I'm outside for the long haul.

In six months from now, it will be April, so there shouldn't be any more snow by then.  That will make the Big Guy pretty happy.

He can see why people want to be "Snowbirds" in the Winter.  

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - 

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog playing with an empty plastic container on the deck

Bye bye fur now

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