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Wednesday, 25 November 2020

25/Nov/20 that cookie that your eating, can I have some


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The weather is certainly different from yesterday.

Today, it's is cold outside, but there is hardly any wind.  The air is what you would call, "crisp".  Since the Big Guy isn't a big fan of the cold, he would call is something else.

Having said that, I'm sure glad that I've got the option to be an indoor dog.

I will bug Tonya and the Big Guy to put me outside.  But then, when I want back in, I only scratch at the door, and they let me back into the house again.

Some dogs, they are not given that option.

Those dogs, shouldn't be with that owner.

But that's not how it works.

There are other humans that will intervene though.  Then they call this place.  It's called the SPCA.  It's kinda like HR, but for dogs and cats.

I go to the SPCA each year.  Tonya and the Big Guy will drive me over to Sydney, where we get a new Dog Tag for me.  Then there is this staff that works there, and they loose their mind.  They all want to touch me and pat me and generally, love me up.  Yea, good times.  Too bad I can't go there a little more often.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - 

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is waiting for Baby Aurora to drop her food

Bye bye fur now

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