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Monday, 16 November 2020

16/Nov/20 smile for the camera


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday the Big Guy did something that he does once a year.  The other time, he undoes what he did.  

What is that?  You ask...

Well he turns his lawn mower, into a snow blower.  Turning the snow blower into a lawn mower, takes a lot less time.

But the engine, it sounds like there is a hurt dog inside the engine.

I will certainly be glad when they can figure out how to make those machines to be all electric.

Mowing the lawn and snow blowing will be a lot quieter.

Talking of noise.  There was someone else that was racing their car through the streets yesterday.  You could hear them doing burn outs.  Like they were so cool.  

Now, you would think that destroying a good pair of tires, would be dumb.  The Big Guy certainly does love to go fast.  But not at the expense of his tires.  

Then again, the car was was doing the burn outs, perhaps they were at the end of the tire's life and they were just trying to have fun with what little tire was left on the car.  Either way, some day in the future, all the cars will be electric.  Can you still do burn outs?  I certainly do bet you will be able to.  But you will only hear the whine of an electric motor, and that's if you can hear it over the spinning tires.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - 

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog gets his new Cape Breton Tartan

Bye bye fur now


  1. Hi I have just found your blog. Its so cool. And what a nice dog you are!:-)
    It´s really interesting that blog 3 years streight. I would be happy if I blog once per week:-) (english is not my native so I need to pay for content corrections, etc.)
    Can we become friends, Maximus? Feel free to check also very new blog
    Have a nice day!

    1. Wolfy,

      Thank you for the kind comments about Max's Blog. Yes, I will be 5 years old this April.

      So far, the Big Guy hasn't missed one day since this blog started. He makes sure that this blog gets added to.

