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Tuesday, 3 November 2020

3/Nov/20 why aren't the Christmas decorations up yet


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

This would seem to be the cause of a great debate.

Halloween is over and some people, not a lot mind you, but some, are already putting up their Christmas decorations.

The Big Guy is a veteran.  So is a lot of other veterans.

For the most part, veterans couldn't give a fat rats ass if you want to put up your Christmas decorations in July or August, if that's what you fancy.  Ok, that's a bit of an exaggeration.  

The debate is if to put up the Christmas Decorations before November 11th.  Which is Remembrance Day in Canada.

The Big Guy always waits till at least the last weekend of November.  But that is his choice.

The Big Guy likes the pretty Christmas lights.  They don't hurt anyone.  It does make your place look cherry and inviting.  It is also warmer in early November than it is late November.  So why not make your place look nice while the weather is cooperating.

After all, the Big Guy did serve his country so that you have the freedom to make the choice.  So did a lot of other veterans.

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1 comment:

  1. Your so right about putting up the Xmas decorations and you fought for all of us to be able to do this .... Tell your dad I'm proud of him and thank him for his service ...
