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Sunday, 22 November 2020

22/Nov/20 I want my toy, but that means getting up


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday, the Big Guy and Tonya had some Wagyu Burgers on the grill.  They are rather expensive, but according to Tonya and the Big Guy, they are so worth it.

After they were cooked and they were both eating their burgers, you could see the juices running down the Big Guy's hand and his chin.

After the Big Guy was all done eating his burger, you could still see the juices on his hand and chin.  

He called me over.

He let me lick the juices off his hand.  Oh my, wasn't it devine...

Then, he grabbed my mussel in both his hands and...  then...


I was shocked.  Who does that?

I stood there, just looking at him.  Of course I licked the burger juices off my mussel.

But he just used me as a napkin.  😲

Friggin weirdo.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog has chewed up the yard

Bye bye fur now

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