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Tuesday, 31 December 2019

31/Dec/19 it's the last day of the year 2019

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

As I am writing this, I'm pretty sure, there is other parts of the planet, where it is already 2020.  Then, as the planet continues to rotate, each time zone will also enter the year 2020.

The Big Guy remembers the Y2K scare.  I'm sure some of you are old enough to remember that.

That is when it went from the year 1999 to 2000.  Prior to that, computers only used the last two digits for the year.  Look at the Blog subject line, you will see the example there.  Well they din't know how computers were going to resolve the issue when rolling over the year from 99 to 00.  People thought that the planet was going to cease to exist.

Then, there was the Mayan Calendar scare.  That would have been the year 2012.  Once again, people were freaking out.  Look you dumb arse, what happens when your yearly calendar gets to the end?  You go buy a new calendar for the new year.  

People can be so stupid at times.

Dogs, we don't have calendars.  We got a food dish.  When it's empty, we wonder if it will be filled again.  According to Tonya, if it were left to the Big Guy, apparently I would starve.  Same with my water dish.

It's not like I can ring a bell to get them to fill my bowls back up.  

I'm not Pavlov's dog.

See you next year...

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having his first swim

Bye bye fur now

Monday, 30 December 2019

30/Dec/19 oh, were you looking to sit in this chair

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Do you remember what I was saying about the Turkey Pot Pie yesterday.  Well guess what the Big Guy has in the oven RIGHT NOW!

Pfft...  I could take a picture...  but why?

Neither of us are going to get any of it.

He made the Turkey Pot Pie - Fun Sized.

What do I mean by that?  Not the HUGE pies that he has been known to make.  Pies so big, it would be able to feed a small army of lumberjacks that are coming out of the woods at the end of the day.

No, this is one of those pies that is much smaller than his normal fare.

It isn't a 9 inch pie like Tonya wanted.  This is about 12 inches, but thick in the middle.  Now, he also knows the gravy is going to be a bit runny during the cooking, so he has put a cookie sheet under the pie.

Oh, and what of the remainder of the gravy?

Will I see that poured over my kibble?

Absolutely not.  It's going to thrown out to the Sea Gulls.

Why?  Cause it has ONIONS in it.  WTF?  Can't you possibly make the gravy without onions in it?

The Big Guy...  he can be a total prick at times.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog in the Wing Chair

Bye bye fur now (I'm going to be starving to death over here)

Sunday, 29 December 2019

29/Dec/19 were almost at the end of the year

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So there is this rather big storm that is coming to visit parts of Nova Scotia and other parts of the Maritimes.  So much so, that the weather network has put out this big storm advisory.  For where I live, it's mostly rain and lots of wind.

BUT, if it were colder outside, it would be a different storm.  It would be a blizzard.  There was parts of Ontario that got freezing rain.  Lots of power lines down and really bad driving.

So, I've learnt a new "trick".  When I get lonely, I get up in the middle of the night and start barking.  Tonya will get up, out of bed, and will come downstairs and will sit with me.

She says if I wasn't such a "bad dog", I would be allowed upstairs.  There is a lot of stuff I can get into when I go upstairs.  They leave doors open and I can explore and find stuff to chew on.

I really have a "thing" for toilet paper and toilet water.  Tonya makes this throw up noise when I drink from the toilet.

Try eating a 1/2 roll of toilet paper and then see if your not thirsty.

I heard there is quite a bit of turkey left.  I wonder if the Big Guy is going to be making a turkey pie with the left overs.  He says it doesn't take a lot to do that.  Tonya has been cooking quite a bit lately.  I wonder if she would like to try her hand at making a turkey pie?

The Big Guy only smiles when he sees Tonya cooking or baking.  She pretty much destroys the kitchen.  Now, she also cleans it up.  But man oh man...  that kitchen takes a shit kicking when Tonya is in there.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and Martini

Bye bye fur now

Saturday, 28 December 2019

28/Dec/19 sitting in the corner, looking at the XMas stuff

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Well, soon enough, like probably next week, or the week after that, the Big Guy and Tonya will be taking down the XMas stuff and putting it in the attic for another year.

They have a lot MORE stuff up in that attic, but stuff they didn't put out.  The Big Guy says it's because of me.  That my tail creates havoc with stuff.  

It does.

There is knick knacks that Tonya put on the coffee table.  My tail has knocked them over countless times.  The Big Guy just lets them stay knocked over.

So it snowed last night.  Not a lot.  Just enough if you were to ask the Big Guy.  But enough that he will be taking the shovel out to get rid of some of the snow off the steps and the front walk to the street.  He doesn't want the mail man to bitch.  Also, he creates a path for the oil guy too.  He is more worried about the oil guy than the mail man.  Bills can pile up, oil to heat the house, can't wait.

The Big Guy is hoping that they will only get 1 or 2 blizzards this year.  Then...  poof, it's Spring.  No more snow.

He lives in a magical world.

I bet it's lonely there.  Ahem...  it snows in Canada...  get used to it...

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is kinda big for the kiddy pool

Bye bye fur now

Friday, 27 December 2019

27/Dec/19 the front door is mine, you must pay the toll to pass

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The Big Guy was wandering around the house this morning, in the dark, looking for me.  He waits till the morning to take my picture.  Honestly, he could follow me around for one day and take several pictures of me and then just post a picture that he had take a few days earlier.

But he feels that would be "cheating".

All day yesterday, Tonya was not feeling all that well.  She has been dealing with vertigo for a long time.  Yesterday was NOT a good day for her.  She is hoping it passes.  Same with the Big Guy.  Although he doesn't have vertigo.  He just hopes that Tonya can feel better soon.

With that being said, the Big Guy got to spend most of his day, either napping, or playing his XBox.

He got these new battery packs.  He LOVES them.  Now he doesn't have to remove the battery to even charge the controller.  He just places on the recharge unit and it does it all for him.

Hmmm...  once I mentioned this in my blog, guess what the Big Guy did.  He put the XBox controller on the recharge unit.

Then there is this game he's been playing for a long time.  It is called "Civilization".  Well I guess there is a newer version that is out.  He is going to wait for the price to come down first.  He is pretty good about stuff like that.

Myself, I don't play video games.

There really isn't any game system that has been created for doggies.

Yes, there is the play fetch thingy.  You drop the ball and it fires it away.  Or the treat dispense thingy.  But it's not the same.  Oh well, some day, I will get my own game system.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the Jolly Egg

Bye bye fur now

Thursday, 26 December 2019

26/Dec/19 all the pretty light will light up the night

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So, the Big Guy got some pretty nice presents.  There is one item, he got several of.  That is the syrup for his Soda Stream machine.  BUT on XMas eve, the CO2 canister ran out of gas.  So he has to wait till tomorrow to get a new canister.  Everything is closed today.  Which is weird as it is Boxing Day.  How can the retailers have a Boxing Day sale if they are closed?

Oh well, it will be nice for the people that work in retail to have the day off.  But I also bet, they have it off without pay.  That must really annoy people.

There is just a light dusting of snow that is falling right now.  The Big Guy doesn't mind it snowing just a wee bit.  That makes everything pretty for XMas.  Now, it's going to be after XMas.  He wonders how many snow storms they will get this year.

Now, last year, he only needed to use the snow blower, twice.  He is obviously hoping to repeat that this year.

The Big Guy cooked up that turkey yesterday.  They were all saying just how moist the turkey was.  I would agree too.  Tonya fed me some left overs.  Which also included turkey.  Not that I get turkey that often.

They also had carrots, potatoes and stuffing.  Oh and gravy.  The Big Guy did up a whole pot of gravy.  It was quite nice too.

He didn't put out too many bones for the Sea Gulls.  Most if it went into the green bin.  I'm sure the rat that lives under the green bin thought that was nice.  The Big Guy wrote an email to the city about getting the little screen fixed on the side of the green bin, but he didn't notice if it was fixed or not.  Oh well, he has bigger things to worry about.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having difficult time with a hot dog

Bye bye fur now

Wednesday, 25 December 2019

25/Dec/19 it's Christmas! What did Santa bring me?

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So, it isn't like it's zero dark early, but the Big Guy is up and he's cooking a turkey right now.  It will be done in about 4 hours.  Well, perhaps 4 1/2 as this turkey is a bit bigger than the previous turkey he cooked.

Then there will be the gravy and the bones and what not.  Yes, he will be putting the smaller bones out for the sea gulls and the bigger bones into the green bin.  He does that all the time.

There was a lot of people at the house yesterday.  I didn't get as many treats as I would have liked.  But that was due to Tonya removing a bunch of my treats from my cookie jar that's in the kitchen.  Craig is really scared of me.  But that is due to my size.  He gives me all the treats I want.  Well, yesterday, since there wasn't a lot of treats in the cookie jar that they keep in the kitchen, Craig could only give me as many treats as was in the jar, which wasn't that many.

But they had other stuff that I could get into.  I did manage to destroy the kleenex box.  That was due to the fact that Tonya put it at my level.  I've been given boxes to destroy in the past, so I didn't see any difference.  When I got to the kleenex, I was surprised.  It's like folded toilet paper.  Since the box was pretty new, there was a shit ton of kleenex for me to eat.

So, later on, I will be pooping kleenex.

The Big Guy hasn't opened any of his presents just yet.  He is anxious to open one of them as he knows what it is.  That is the battery pack for his XBox controller.  He is looking forward to getting that.  If there is anything else, he doesn't know that he's getting it.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog trying to get over the railing

Bye bye fur now

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

24/Dec/19 He knows when your sleeping, he knows when your awake

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The Big Guy is up to his old tricks.  I'm sure your asking, what tricks those are.  Well, Tonya is having her family over tonight.  She plans to have meatballs cooked in the slow cooker with Grape Jelly and Chili Sauce.  Well the Big Guy has mixed up a batch of his meatballs with the hamburger that Tonya left out.  So, they will be all cooked off by the time Tonya gets up.  Then she only needs to put them into the slow cooker with the other stuff.

Of course, there is onions in his meat balls.  I can't have onions.

Why does he do that?

Santa is going to give him a lump of coal.

Yesterday Tonya decided to go to work dressed up like one of Santa's Elfs.  There was one lady at work that took her picture.  Tonya should really see if she can't get the picture from her.

But Tonya decided to go walking though the Mall while she was on break.

She was over by the Hair Salon when she spied two little girls.  Now, they weren't being bad, but they were restless.  When they seen Tonya dressed up like an Elf, they were surprised to see her.  Tonya exclaimed in a booming voice that she was looking for the two children that were acting up at this end of the mall.  She looked at them and said that she was one of Santa's elfs and that she was on the last minute look out for bad boys and girls.  Are they the two bad children that she heard about?  NO!  Not us!  Tonya said that she would pass on to Santa, that these two were to stay on the "nice" list.

Then she left and went walking though the mall once again.

Her work was done.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog in the Wing Chair

Bye bye fur now

Monday, 23 December 2019

23/Dec/19 it would please me for you to walk around

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

You would think for a house that is large as it is, and me, being as small as I am, that I wouldn't be in the way, when I go to my food dish for a drink of water, or a few bites of kibble.

But, here it is, I'm minding my own business and suddenly, all the foot traffic in the house needs to go past me.

So, yesterday, it was sunny skies most of the day.  I mean, one of those stunning blue skies.  Not a cloud to be seen anywhere.  It was cold, without it being bitterly cold.  Just a nice Winter day.

But, after supper, the clouds came in for a visit.

Around 8 last night, I swear, you could have heard jingle bells.  But it also started to snow.  Not snowing hard.  But snowing enough to make everything fresh and white.  Exactly what you need for it to look like Christmas.

Just like, right now, it isn't really that cold.  Just cold enough for the snow not to melt.  When I look at the Weather Network, there is only a dusting of snow that's in the forecast.

The Big Guy is very pleased with this amount of snow.  So far, the snow shovel has remained inside the house and hasn't seen any action.

The salt truck hasn't come by.  Even the street is white.

Christmas...  It's my favorite time of the year.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog enjoys the love seat with Uncle Terry

Bye bye fur now

Sunday, 22 December 2019

22/Dec/19 Winter is coming, but not on this couch

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So, in other parts of Canada, they definitely got snow.  They are going to have what is known as a "White Christmas".

So the definition of a "White Christmas" is having more than 2 cm of snow on the ground.

On the other hand, a "Green Christmas" is having less than 2 cm of snow on the ground.

Where I live in Cape Breton, we are definitely going to be having a "Green Christmas".

But I have to ask...  have these people looked outside?  There is dead leaves all over the place.  The trees no long have any leaves on them.  Stuff looks dirty and sad.  A nice dusting of snow would go a long way to fix that.

So, officially, yesterday started WINTER.  It was also the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere of planet Earth.  So, as of tonight, the nights start getting shorter.  That is until that magical day in June, where the nights start getting longer again.

Of course the Big Guy is doing this happy dance thingy due to the lack of snow.  Yes yes, he would like to see the dusty of snow on XMas eve and then, that would be it.  No more snow for the rest of the year.  

Boom, were done, mic drop.  Lets call it Winter and were out, stage left.

He's a friggin weirdo

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog outside in the snow

Bye bye fur now

Saturday, 21 December 2019

21/Dec/19 calculating new route

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So, laying in "the way" is my "thing" in life.

I'm pretty sure the Big Guy knows that and goes out of his way to do this "shuffle step" towards me.  He also waves his hand in front of him, which pretty much tells me, get up and move or you will be pushed aside.

Which, by the way, I've seen him do.  If he wants to go in such and such a direction, you better not stand in his way.

He has done that at the grocery store, at Canadian Tire, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, etc.  He will stand VERY close to you if your in his way.  Now, suddenly, you feel that someone is in "your space".  The Big Guy will smile at you and say "sorry, but a man of this fine figure to get past..."  So far, everyone wants him out of "their space" and will move.  

Now, the Big Guy doesn't go around, trying to intimidate people.  He only seems to do this to people that are "in the way".  These are people that stand in the middle of the aisle, holding a conversation, which they could do, but MOVE ASIDE, where you are "OUT OF THE WAY".  He does find that old people tend to do this.  It may be very pleasant for you to catch up with a dear friend, but do so to the side of the aisle where your not impeding someone, like the Big Guy, who is shopping.

Oh, and something else, do NOT bump the Big Guy with your shopping cart.  People have done that when he is in line.  Suddenly he will stop noticing that the person in front of him has moved forward and there is now a gap where he can move forward.  He will now fixate on something that got his attention inside his grocery cart.  Which may give someone else in another line the potential to skip in front of him.  Which is only too happy to let happen at this point.  So, NEVER bump him with your cart in the hopes to make him "close up the gap".  Some one did this about 4 months ago when he was at Price Chopper in Sydney.  They bumped him 3 times.  He turned and looked at the person.  He didn't say anything, he just looked at them, at their cart, where they bumped him (his hip) and back at them.  Tonya didn't notice what he was doing.  But the person got VERY uncomfortable with him just looking at the person, they went away and waited in another line.

Oh and the lane that displays 10 or less items, the Big Guy will be counting your stuff as you put it on "the belt".  As you are leaving, you might even hear him comment to the cashier, that math must not have been your strong suit while you were in school.

Yes, the Big Guy says stuff to people that "needs to be said".  There are social cues that people need to follow.  Step out of line and you can bet he's likely going to tell you that you have done so.  He is just "kind" like that.

Don't even get him started about the people that park in the fire lane.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his balloon

Bye bye fur now