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Sunday, 19 May 2019

19/May/19 is the weather going to warm up soon

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So my humans like it when it's warm outside.  They like to be able to sit outside and enjoy the sun.

This year, it seems to be slow to warm up.  Now, they say that Global Warming is melting the glaciers and that it's getting to be warmer than ever on planet Earth.

But in this area, not so much.

We are forecasted to get rain for the next few days.  Which is fine by the Big Guy.  He doesn't mind the rain.  Just the cold.  That really bothers him.

He finally had some BBQed burgers on the charcoal grill last week.  But he would rather have had the grill up by the back door.  Instead, he just opened the garage door, and hid inside the garage.  Now the BBQ was outside, but he stayed inside where there wasn't any wind.

The Big Guy has been eyeballing the front yard.  He needs to make a decision on if he is going to get some new grass seed, of if the rain we are getting is going to be enough.

So far, the rain is looking pretty good.

Tonya was saying that I've got to make an appointment with the groomers.  That is normally a little fun.  They cut my nails and trim the fur between my toes.  BUT since the weather hasn't turned warm just yet, I haven't been shedding my Winter Fur just yet.

So I hope she doesn't plan to get me to the groomers until it warms up a bit more.

Then I would be cold too...  just like the Big Guy.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his toy crate

Bye bye fur now

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