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Thursday, 9 May 2019

9/May/19 not sure what I would do if this couch was replaced

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I've heard from the Big Guy that his other dogs were NOT allowed up on the furniture.  I was just so head strong as a puppy, he just gave up trying to stop me.

They have also said, that I will be the last pet they will ever own.  Which is fine by me.

Yesterday I got to be outside with the Big Guy for a bit.  He took the garden cart from the garage and grabbed the two bags of debris, from the wall that he took apart upstairs.

Then he took the lattes and put them in the garden cart.  I've heard he is keeping them for a bone fire.  The plaster, or the cement that was left, he back filled this hole that was left from this stump that he burnt out last year.

So that hole is mostly filled in now.  He said that he only needs to get some dirt and till up the remainder of the hole.  Then get some grass seed and voila, done with that job.

That is unless I manage to get into the dirt.  I will likely "dig for gold" if I see that there is some loose dirt for me to play with.

I've got these huge shovels for paws.  At least that is what the Big Guy calls them.  They can move a lot of dirt.

Tonya found some use for the small Wal-Mart steaks.  She cut them up and made a stir fry yesterday.  Although the Big Guy knows that these steaks are the correct size, he much prefers a larger steak.  Like a porterhouse steak.  But you don't often find that cut of steak any more.  Last time the Big Guy had that is when he was in Victoria and he had the camper on the back of his 1/2 ton truck.  He said that he was so full when he was done eating.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog trying out the big chair

Bye bye fur now

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