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Monday, 27 May 2019

27/May/19 itsy bitsy spider walked across the floor, then I ate him

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

When Tonya and the Big Guy get home from work, I get so excited to greet them at the door.

I can hear the key going in the door and then if it's the Big Guy that is opening the door, he becomes a real prick.  He will only open the door enough for me to see that it's them.  But he will not open the door wide enough for me to get out.

Because I'm so excited to meet, I will push on the door with my body and it will close the door again.  

He will open the door, just enough for me to get my nose outside the door, but because I have such a large body, it traps my face.  Now, my face doesn't want to be trapped in the door, but my body doesn't know the difference and it wants to greet Tonya and the Big Guy.

The Big Guy laughs at this.

The door being pushed against my face hurts.  But I have a single plan.

That plan is to get outside to greet Tonya and the Big Guy.  But my body keeps pushing the door closed on my face.  


Just open the door larger so that my body can get outside.

But no.  Just enough for my head to get trapped.  My body doesn't seem to know it's hurting my face.

Tonya always gets mad at the Big Guy when he does this.  Some sort of strange dog trick he's trying to teach me.

Eventually the door opens enough and I can get outside.  Then it's back inside, while I run around like an idiot, wagging my tail that bangs off of everything that it's tied down.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog forgets his indoor voice

Bye bye fur now

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