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Wednesday, 15 May 2019

15/May/19 be a dear and push that toy towards me

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the Big Guy made Tonya and home made donair pizza.  Now, when it was all done, she said that it was the BEST donair pizza she ever had.

The Big Guy, started by making his bread recipe and adding Italian spices to it.  Earlier in the morning, he made the donair loaf.  Then put it in the fridge so that it would cut easier.  

Tonya went to the store to get some tomatoes and some onions.  BUT, not just any onions.  The Big Guy had told her that there was frozen diced onions in the freezer section.  They were not that expensive either.  This is going to be a game changer for Tonya as she doesn't like dicing onions as they make her cry.

But on the plus side, they are uniformly cut.  They are dices and in a bag, ready to use.

Which is no good for me as I'm not supposed to have anything with onions in it. FAAAK

Tonya was telling Floyd that they were having Donair Pizza.  He said that Mylynne would like some.  Tonya said, nope.  Mylynne has said in the past that she doesn't like the Big Guy's home made pizza.  And to be fair to her, his pizza is NOT like a store bought frozen pizza.  So the Big Guy is not insulted by this at all.  He knows that different people have different views on how items are to be made.  Even the Big Guy's father, may he rest in peace, had told him, on more than one occasion, that he has ruined something that he was cooking.  This is why the Big Guy refuses to work in a kitchen, where they sell stuff to the public.  He loves cooking, for himself and Tonya.

So...  long story short, Mylynne didn't get any pizza.

Although I heard that Tonya is thinking of sneaking some to her today.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog enjoys the love seat with Uncle Terry

Bye bye fur now

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