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Thursday, 2 May 2019

2/May/19 plans for the Doggie Park are on hold

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday it was sort of a nice day out.  Not so nice for the humans of course, cause the temperature was just above freezing.  It was only +3.  But the wind.  It wouldn't let up.  

I was hoping to be able to go over to the Doggie Park, but the Big Guy knows, it's been raining quite a bit for the last two weeks.  He knows the drainage isn't all that good where the doggie park is.

He was NOT going to be taking me so that I could get all muddy and dirty up the car once again.

He can be a real "stick in the mud" some days.

Yesterday the Big Guy made "Egg Roll in a Bowl".  It's got sausages and cabbage as the main ingredients.  You can bet that I didn't get any of that.

As it is, the cabbage has a lot of fiber.  The Big Guy has been "going" quite a bit today.

Today, Tonya is going to be making spaghetti.  That's something else that I can't have.  (Although she sneaks me some in my bowl)

Those two humans that I live with, you should see how much garlic they use.  It's like onions.  I've seen them buy a 20 pound bag of onions and they were gone in less than a month.

Yesterday the Big Guy was taking his time to mow the leaves that was in the corners of his property.  He should have worn a mask.  He was so dusty when he finally came in the house.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog in the snow at the dog park

Bye bye fur now

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