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Friday, 17 May 2019

17/May/19 see the ball, be the ball, na na na na na

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

For those of you that read the title and don't get the reference, it's from Caddyshack.

Yesterday I got to meet a new person.  His name is "Repair Man".  He came in the back door and went upstairs with the Big Guy.  Then I seen parts of the washing machine come out of the little room where it's at.  More and more parts.  I didn't think there was any more parts that could have come off the washer.  But they just kept on coming out.

After about an hour, parts started going back into the little room.

Then the guy came down stairs, he patted my head and off he went.  I haven't see him since.

Then, Tonya went upstairs and between herself and the Big Guy, they got the dryer back on top of the washer and then Tonya was doing a wash.

There was several things that "Repair Man" told the Big Guy.  I guess they were very important too as the Big Guy told them to Tonya.

1.  Only used Tide pods.  They have the right mixture and just enough soap to do the job.  DO NOT use two Tide pods.  If your clothes are that dirty, then pre-soak them.  The fact that they show two Tide pods being used on TV is just marketing.  One Tide pod is ALL you need.

2.  Use the cool rinse cycle.  Cold is just too cold in the Winter.  Cool introduces just enough hot water to allow the soap to rinse off the clothes.

3.  When washing jeans, put other jeans in with the load.  You don't want to unbalance the washer.  This his hard on the machine.  So, do not put in one pair of jeans with shirts.  Jeans are heavy when wet and shirts, well, not so much.  This is hard on the machine.  It gets really unbalanced.

4.  When the washer goes though the spin cycle, it will hit certain sweet spots where the tub will become "wobbly", but will soon pass.  He said, that at 250, 500 and 750 rpm, this will happen.  Not for long as the washer goes up to 1200 rpm.  It's no wonder that the clothes comes out pretty dry from the front loading washer.  This wasn't anything that the Big Guy didn't know already, but I guess he has heard a lot of people complaining that the washer is unbalanced, when it is just resonating.  This is normal.

I'm going to add a 5th line.  Washing machines are not for animals.

Just saying.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the solar butterfly

Bye bye fur now

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