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Sunday, 5 May 2019

5/May/19 oh joy, it's Cinco de Mayo hip hip horray

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So I'm not Mexican.  But if I was, I guess I would be celebrating today as it's Cinco de Mayo.  This is a celebration of Mexico and the revolution against the French.

So you may be asking...  what is it that DOES have my attention today.

Well, it's the fog.

There was a Steven King movie called "The Mist".

Although this fog isn't quite as thick at it was in the movie.  But still, it's very impressive.

Plus, I don't believe there is any flying creatures that is going to come out and attack us.  We don't see very many new books from that author.  I wonder if he just ran out of ideas?

The Big Guy works on this new account at work.  He does troubleshooting for appliances and what not.  Yesterday it was a smart TV.  While the technician was on site, they couldn't replicate the issues that the customer was talking about.  But the case is logged.

So, having said that, the washer they own.  Well, it's still relatively new.  But it's been on the fritz.  Now the drum will only jitter.  The Big Guy tried to do a calibration, but it didn't fix the issue.  So that tells him, it's the motor, or it's the computer that controls the motor.

Either way, it's got to get fixed.  The Big Guy isn't big on extended warranties.  But, on the other hand, Tonya is.  Well, it's still under the "regular" warranty, so they will have to call "a guy" in to fix it.

We will see how that goes.  But at least they can rest assured that all the troubleshooting has been done.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog excited about going for a walk

Bye bye fur now

1 comment:

  1. wonder if it's the belt ?? If it has one that is
