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Saturday, 18 May 2019

18/May/19 I've got to remember, the shoe is NOT a toy

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I'm just laying there.  

Eyeballing that shoe.

I could just reach out a bit.

That shoe would be mine.

Since last night, I've just laid there.

Looking at this shoe.

Well, all the shoes, who am I kidding.

My humans have never hit me for destroying their shoes.

I just need to chew.

I have nervous energy.

My teeth are powerful and designed to rip meat off of bones.

My self control is amazing, now that I'm older.

My name is Max and I chew on shoes.  

It's been one day since I've had a shoe in my mouth.

Lets see if I can make it two days.

Gasp... I'm feeling weak...

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the most annoying sound in the world
Click on the picture to see the video

Bye bye fur now

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