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Tuesday, 9 April 2019

9/Apr/19 this cushion smells like old man farts

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The Big Guy can be pretty weird about some stuff.  He will claim to have a favorite coffee cup and will put in places where Tonya doesn't always find it.  

He doesn't mind that the coffee cup is a bit dirty.  Since he drinks his coffee black without sugar, he knows that there is a ring around the top of the coffee mug.  

He knows that there is dried coffee at the bottom of the cup.  He will rinse it out before pouring himself a fresh coffee.

Prior to his current favorite coffee mug, there was a different mug that he considered his favorite coffee mug.

The Big Guy learnt a valuable lesson in leaving his coffee cup where Tonya has access to it.

One day, Tonya used the mug.  Not for a cup of coffee.

Tonya had an apple.

When she was done with the apple, she put the apple core in the Big Guy's coffee cup.  She figured that the Big Guy wouldn't be reusing the coffee cup, he would see the apple core, dump it out and put the coffee cup in the dishwasher and get a fresh, clean mug.

The Big Guy walks around the house without any lights on.  He doesn't mind the dark.  He says it reminds him of those days when he was on the ship.  Only the house doesn't rock like the ship did.

Anyways, he finds his mug.  He pours himself a cup of coffee.  He goes to the computer to write his daily email to his Mum.  He does this all in the dark.

He takes a sip of coffee and the apple core bumps into his lips.


He turned on a light and sees the apple core in his coffee cup.

Tonya is VERY lucky that she gets up a lot later in the morning than the Big Guy.  Oh wasn't he upset that day.

He threw out the coffee and put the apple core in the garbage.  Now, he had to get a different mug.  Not his favorite mug.  This put off his entire day.

Since then, he will LOOK inside his coffee cup to see if Tonya has put anything in it prior to using it.  

Doesn't matter if it's his favorite coffee mug or not.  Or that he put his coffee cup in a "special" place the night before.  

He knows that Tonya looks at a dirty coffee cup as a mini garbage receptacle.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having watermellon

Bye bye fur now

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