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Monday, 22 April 2019

22/Apr/19 I could have a quick chew on that sneaker

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The Big Guy was sort of snickering to himself.  He had to work yesterday.  People were telling him, he shouldn't have to work on Easter Sunday.  REALLY?  Did you realize if you didn't call him, he likely would NOT have to work on Easter Sunday.

The logic escapes a lot of people.

My non-furry Uncle Marcel is going to be on the road today.  I hope that the flooding that has been on the news doesn't effect his travels.  Otherwise, he's pretty smart, he will know what alternate highways to take if he does encounter flooding.

Yesterday it was +21 C.  That means that Summer is well on it's way.  There is also rain in the forecast each and every day this upcoming week.

It could be time for the Big Guy to go get some grass seed for the front lawn.  Each year now, for the last 4 years, the Big Guy has been going to Canadian Tire and buying a bag of grass seed.  If he would put the seed down when it's raining, perhaps the grass seed would "take".

But each year, when he is mowing the lawn, he finds that the grass doesn't grow all that well.  But it's also the part of the lawn that gets the least amount of sun.

He also has this rather large hole in the back yard that he has to deal with.  Every time he had a charcoal BBQ, he would dump the burning embers on the tree stump that was in the back yard.  Well eventually it burnt the stump to the ground. and then continued to burn the roots.  So now, there is a big hole there that should be dealt with.

He also has a few other stumps in the front yard that needs to be dealt with.  I can see a lot of BBQ in the Big Guy's future.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog playing with an empty plastic container on the deck

Bye bye fur now

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