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Friday, 26 April 2019

26/Apr/19 got my all weather tires on

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Every so often, the Big Guy and I will wrestle.  Normally he is sitting on the couch and I will jump up to join him.

I will lay my head on his lap.

Then I will roll over.

I will extend my paw into the air.

The Big Guy will grab my paw and then it begins.

I will try to mouth him, but he doesn't really want his hand in my mouth.

He will spread my toes.

He will pull on the little fur between the pads of my paw.

He will pull on my claws.

He will flick my teeth.

Or he will grab my incisor teeth with his thumb and forefinger.  I try to bite down, but there is nothing to bite down on.  My teeth just don't work that way.

This will continue for 5 minutes or so.

Then I give up.  I jump down off the couch and shake it off.  

He wins.

...  or do I just let him think he wins.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog playing on the deck while the feral cats are fed

Bye bye fur now

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