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Tuesday, 2 April 2019

2/Apr/19 is that kibble being added to my bowl

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

There is this snow bank that was in the front yard.  Every year, it's like the last thing to melt away.  Yesterday, as the Big Guy was pulling in the yard, he had a close look and it's just about gone.  There is only a skim of ice that is left.  That will be melted away before the day is out today.  Today, it's forecasted to be +6.  Since the ice is in the direct sunlight, I think it's seen it's last.

That is unless there is an April snow storm.  That happened to Tonya and the Big Guy when they lived in Winnipeg.  It was the Storm of the Century and then of course, this was coupled with the Flood of the Century.  That would have been 1997.  22 years ago.

During the flood that happens each year, if you want to see news other than the flood, you have to watch the news from the USA.  Otherwise, the news is flood this and flood that.

Talking of floods.  Soon enough the Nashwaak River in New Brunswick, should be flooding.  Each year, people's houses gets damaged.  Each year, they complain.

Now, I know it sounds like a simple solution, but if you don't want to get flooded.  Move.

I thought I heard that the province of New Brunswick is offering to help those people that got flooded.  The province will purchase your house and destroy it.  Thereby forcing you to move.  Problem solved, your no longer able to live where it floods.

I wonder what will happen when the polar ice caps melt.  It's forecasted that the oceans will rise about 50 feet.  The Big Guy's house is at 69 feet of elevation.  He may get ocean front property.

The Big Guy counted.  There is 1073 days till he retires.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is sleeping

Bye bye fur now

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