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Wednesday, 3 April 2019

3/Apr/19 when are we going for a walk

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

My heart was racing this morning.  I went into "Blogger" website today and it asked me to log in.  Something that I never had to do in the past.

I thought, oh no...  what if all my blogs are GONE?  That is over 1033 blogs for me and 279 cooking blogs for the Big Guy that are GONE!

Turns out, Google just changed a few things.


Nothing to worry about.

But it certainly got my heart racing, first thing in the morning.  Geesh, the Big Guy hasn't even taken the first sip of his coffee.

Talking of coffee.  Did you know the Big Guy drinks his coffee black?  No sugar, no creme, no milk.  He's gone that for a very long time.

When he first started drinking coffee, it would have been something like triple-triple.  He used to watch his boss on the ship, go to the coffee maker, pour a cup, sit down and start drinking.  He thought that was so "manly".

Eventually he took less sugar and less milk.  But he found the coffee was HOT.  When he tries it as black coffee, it was burning his mouth.  So he would let it sit and cool off.  Tonya says it's because he has a precious mouth.

Tonya didn't drink coffee until she started dating the Big Guy.  She couldn't imagine, drinking black coffee.  But here she is, drinking black coffee as soon as it is poured from the coffee pot.  She loves the coffee while it piping hot.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog cools off his paws after a long walk

Bye bye fur now

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