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Sunday, 28 April 2019

28/Apr/19 it's wet outside and now I am too

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I have to wonder about cats.  They get to pee and poop inside this little pan with sand in it.  Then the humans will come along and they will empty the pan and put fresh sand in it.

I would think that the humans could do that for us dogs as well.  Just that the pan would have to be pretty big.

Dogs like to do this walk in a circle thing before we settle in for a poop.

Lately the Big Guy has been complaining about this nasal drip that he has.  Thankfully as a dog, I don't get that problem.  He said that it makes him cough a lot.

What I get is stinky ears.  Because I have big old floppy ears, the stuff that gets into my ears, tends to stay there.  Sometimes, more than once a week, Tonya will clean out my ears.  She says that it's good for me.

Yes, it does feel a lot better afterwards, but DURING the cleaning, not so much.

The Big Guy got up early today.  I can see in his eyes, he's tired.  I bet he is going to go watch some TV and nap on the couch.

He does that quite a bit.  He will put on a program and he will get under his blanket and then you will look over and see his head is canted to the side.  Then you will hear him snoring.

I've been known to snore myself.

So I guess I'm not that dissimilar when it comes to napping.  I love to nap as well.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is sleeping

Bye bye fur now

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