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Saturday, 6 April 2019

6/Apr/19 waiting for my mommy to get home from work

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The Big Guy can be a bit of a prick at times.

Do you see my looking at the door?

He staged this photo.

He got me all excited, thinking that Tonya was going to be home.  I was staring at the door in anticipation.

But you can also see that my tail is down.  

Had I heard the car...  my tail would be wagging furiously.

Or if I could hear the outside door opening.

I put my face RIGHT inside the opening door.  That will sometimes crush my face, as I REALLY need to see who is opening the door.

Then I start to do my little hopping thing that I do.

This will get Tonya to yell at me to "GET DOWN".

Fuck that.

I'm jumping.

Look at me.  I'm Tigger the Tiger.

I'm just so happy to see you.

Your Blast From the Past

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and Martini

Bye bye fur now

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