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Tuesday 23 April 2019

23/Apr/19 I am not a shark with a laser on it's head

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I've heard from my non-furry Memere that my non-furry Uncle Marcel is home safe from his travels.  I guess the flooding that was on the news, really didn't effect him.

Last night, Tonya made some chicken wings.  She reached out to the Big Guy who was still at work, to bring home some sour creme, to take the bite out of the spicy wings she had made.

Well, the Big Guy got worried.  He knows that she likes spicy stuff.  Now, the Big Guy's mouth doesn't mind spicy stuff.  But it's his bowels.  The do NOT like spicy stuff.  As a matter of fact, if the stuff is too spicy, he suffers for a few days.

So when he got the email at work to get some sour creme, alarm bells went off.

He went to the grocery store to get the sour creme.

He was so worried about what his bowels would be going though.  Just how spicy were these wings.  Tonya NEVER asked the Big Guy to get sour creme due to spicy wings she has made in the past.

But as he walked into the grocery store, he seen the solution.  There, at the deli, was already cooked chicken pieces.  Not too spicy at all.

So he got the chicken, sour creme and came home.

As soon as he opened the car door, he could smell the spices.  As he came closer to the back door, obviously the spicy smells intensified.  

He was quite happy that he purchased the chicken.  He knew he could have the chicken and not be suffering the next few days.

Tonya was rather pleased with herself.  She had just taken the spicy chicken wings and heated them up for the Big Guy.

He looked at them, dumped them into a tupperware and threw them into the fridge.  He knew he wasn't going to be having them.

Tonya came out to the kitchen and seen that the Big Guy was heating up the chicken he had just bought.

She was HURT.

Not just a little hurt either.

She was upset that the Big Guy pretty much threw her supper aside.

She said that she will NEVER make spicy chicken wings again.

The Big Guy got upset too.  He was pleased that he was able to save himself from distress but he didn't think about how Tonya would react when he put her food aside.

The Big Guy told her, she can have all the spicy chicken wings.  He is NOT going to be eating them.  This made her hurt even more.  Tonya said that he's had her spicy chicken wings in the past.  But I don't think she realized how much pain the Big Guy was in afterwards.  He didn't say anything to her, so how would she know?

Dave's Hot Sauce = butt hurt for the Big Guy.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog outside in the snow

Bye bye fur now

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