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Saturday, 27 April 2019

27/Apr/19 could you please open the door so I can go play outside

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

There are two parts to opening the door to the house.

There is the handle part that has to be turned.  But there is also a dead bolt, that also has to be turned.

I don't have the dexterity to do both.

There have been times, when Tonya and the Big Guy are coming home.  I'm so excited that they are coming home, I will jump up on the door.

I've been known to put the dead bolt back on.

I been known to put the dead bolt on several times as they are trying to get into the house.

I can hear them on the other side of the door, trying to open it and each time, I will jump up, and turn the dead bolt back on.

Then, the back door sticks a bit.  

The Big Guy tends to put his shoulder to the door to open it.

Well that action will make the door fly open.  Towards me and my face.

There has been several times where the door will bash me in the face as they are trying to get into the house.

Tonya always gets upset with the Big Guy when he does this.

Me, I'm just so happy that they are home.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog in the snow at the dog park

Bye bye fur now

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