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Friday, 12 April 2019

12/Apr/19 the way, I'm in it

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Tomorrow, I should be getting my birthday steak.  They had better not forget.  I'm over due for that steak.  Honestly, I should have had my steak a few days ago.

The Green Bin got emptied earlier this morning.  A few months ago, the Big Guy put the Green Bin to the curb, but it really didn't get emptied.  That was because, all the stuff that was in the Green Bin was frozen together.  It would rain and snow and the Big Guy would leave the lid open to the elements.  Of course, this would freeze everything inside the bin.

So when it was put to the curb and the sanitation folks would try to empty it, it was pretty much a frozen block at the bottom of the bin.

The rats that use the Green Bin as their buffet are not going to be very happy.

There is a screen on the side of the bin that has been missing for some time now.  So the Big Guy really should bodge something together to fix that.

Who knows...  if he did that, perhaps the rats would move to a different neighborhood.

The Blue Bags are at the curb.  They don't hold much interest for me.  Of course I would still sniff them.  But the Blue Bags only hold recycle paper and empty cans and such that have been washed out.

Blue Bags don't stink like regular garbage bags.  But since they have been dumped, now it's a bit too late to go for a walk to be sniffing the regular garbage bags.

Those problems...  they are real to me.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his Pita Bread

Bye bye fur now

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