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Monday, 1 April 2019

1/Apr/19 so which toy do I play with first

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So the votes are in...

The Big Guy had his PB & J.  

The first ever in his life.

He has given it a resounding thumbs up.

Of course, like any PB & J sandwich, the jam squeezed out and got on his fingers, which made a sticky mess.  There has to be a correct way to make a PB & J sandwich, that will allow all the ingredients to stay in place.

The Big Guy said that this was SO much better than peanut butter and banana.  But Tonya said, that was because there wasn't enough peanut butter.  At the time, we were running low on peanut butter.

The Big Guy got a new set of branch trimmers.  He is really happy with them.  He didn't get cheap ones either.  He has done that in the past and he has regretted it.  This time, he got a good set of cutters.  

This set has a ratchet device which allows a hefty branch to be put in the "mouth" and then cut.  He had the previous ones that he got from my non-furry Memere's place.  They did a great job, but they have a cutter and an anvil built in.  Well the anvil has pretty much bent and worn out.  Those cutters need to be retired.  They are yard sale material.  

The Big Guy took about 20 minutes and he was all done cleaning up the branches that he cut down off the tree from last year.  Now, this Friday, the Green Bin goes to the curb.  

Then, in a few weeks, the Big Guy will put the lawn mower deck back on the tractor and put the snow blower away for another season.  He will go around the clip the remnants from the branches that are still in the back yard.  They are only small twigs that are left, so they will not damage his lawn mower.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his toy crate

Bye bye fur now

1 comment:

  1. I just read the other day to keep your bread from getting moist and soggy when putting jam or tomatoes , you put peanut butter on both side not as much as you would do for just 1 side ... try this please and let us know how it worked . Maybe not as bad but jam is sticky for sure. Maybe don't put it to the edge also ...
