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Tuesday, 30 April 2019

30/Apr/19 sleeping with one eye open

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I only needed one eye open to see the Big Guy sneaking about with that friggin camera.

Sure enough...


Now I'm only blinded in one eye.

Great...  just great...

I will go back to sleep again and dream about all the sexy doggies out there.

Yesterday, Tonya was going to give the last two slices of balogna that was in the container from the Biggie Breakfast that the Big Guy had made during the weekend.

The problem was.  She announced it within ear shot of the Big Guy.

It went like...  Does my big boy (me) want the last two slices of balogna?

From the computer room, the Big Guy says:  I thought you were not going to give him people food as you were worried that he may shit himself while we are at work.

Tonya looked at me and said: Sorry, but I forgot that I'm not supposed to give you people food.

With that, she put the container away in the fridge.

Like...  WTF just happened here?

I was getting two pieces of fried balogna and now it's denied.

Some is very lucky that I didn't bite them.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his magic act

Bye bye fur now

Monday, 29 April 2019

29/Apr/19 I'm so happy, I could just poo

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Another day of rain.

It's been about two weeks of rain now.

We must be getting the rain from the West Coast.  

The Big Guy told me stories about when he lived in British Columbia.  He said that it would start raining late September and wouldn't really stop till then end of April.

BUT, the off set was that it didn't rain all summer.

Each and every day.  No rain.  All summer long.

Also, because the winds were directly from the Pacific Ocean, there wasn't any mosquitoes.

He said that there was two things wrong with that.

The ground shook.  Meaning earthquakes.  He didn't much care for those.

The other thing, his family, was in Winnipeg.

He did that for almost 3 years.

So when he watches those programs like Big Brother, or Survivor and they have been away for several weeks, the Big Guy just smiles.  He knows he could do those programs and not be aggravated like those other contestants are that miss their family to the point that they have a mental breakdown.

Oh yes, he misses his family.  Oh yes, he thinks about them.  But he doesn't cry like they do and get all full of snot when he sees his family again.

Then again, it's TV, so I'm sure they need people to act a certain way for the TV audience.  They need ratings for their show.

Talking of which, Big Brother Canada was on last night and the Big Guy is going to go make himself some breakfast, that he isn't going to share with me and watch some TV.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog gets up on the furniture

Bye bye fur now

Sunday, 28 April 2019

28/Apr/19 it's wet outside and now I am too

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I have to wonder about cats.  They get to pee and poop inside this little pan with sand in it.  Then the humans will come along and they will empty the pan and put fresh sand in it.

I would think that the humans could do that for us dogs as well.  Just that the pan would have to be pretty big.

Dogs like to do this walk in a circle thing before we settle in for a poop.

Lately the Big Guy has been complaining about this nasal drip that he has.  Thankfully as a dog, I don't get that problem.  He said that it makes him cough a lot.

What I get is stinky ears.  Because I have big old floppy ears, the stuff that gets into my ears, tends to stay there.  Sometimes, more than once a week, Tonya will clean out my ears.  She says that it's good for me.

Yes, it does feel a lot better afterwards, but DURING the cleaning, not so much.

The Big Guy got up early today.  I can see in his eyes, he's tired.  I bet he is going to go watch some TV and nap on the couch.

He does that quite a bit.  He will put on a program and he will get under his blanket and then you will look over and see his head is canted to the side.  Then you will hear him snoring.

I've been known to snore myself.

So I guess I'm not that dissimilar when it comes to napping.  I love to nap as well.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is sleeping

Bye bye fur now

Saturday, 27 April 2019

27/Apr/19 could you please open the door so I can go play outside

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

There are two parts to opening the door to the house.

There is the handle part that has to be turned.  But there is also a dead bolt, that also has to be turned.

I don't have the dexterity to do both.

There have been times, when Tonya and the Big Guy are coming home.  I'm so excited that they are coming home, I will jump up on the door.

I've been known to put the dead bolt back on.

I been known to put the dead bolt on several times as they are trying to get into the house.

I can hear them on the other side of the door, trying to open it and each time, I will jump up, and turn the dead bolt back on.

Then, the back door sticks a bit.  

The Big Guy tends to put his shoulder to the door to open it.

Well that action will make the door fly open.  Towards me and my face.

There has been several times where the door will bash me in the face as they are trying to get into the house.

Tonya always gets upset with the Big Guy when he does this.

Me, I'm just so happy that they are home.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog in the snow at the dog park

Bye bye fur now

Friday, 26 April 2019

26/Apr/19 got my all weather tires on

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Every so often, the Big Guy and I will wrestle.  Normally he is sitting on the couch and I will jump up to join him.

I will lay my head on his lap.

Then I will roll over.

I will extend my paw into the air.

The Big Guy will grab my paw and then it begins.

I will try to mouth him, but he doesn't really want his hand in my mouth.

He will spread my toes.

He will pull on the little fur between the pads of my paw.

He will pull on my claws.

He will flick my teeth.

Or he will grab my incisor teeth with his thumb and forefinger.  I try to bite down, but there is nothing to bite down on.  My teeth just don't work that way.

This will continue for 5 minutes or so.

Then I give up.  I jump down off the couch and shake it off.  

He wins.

...  or do I just let him think he wins.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog playing on the deck while the feral cats are fed

Bye bye fur now

Thursday, 25 April 2019

25/Apr/19 yes I'm wet and yes I'm on the couch

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Earlier I had to go outside to do "my business".  Although Tonya calls it "Pee Pee Poo Poo".  The Big Guy calls it "outside".  

Any who...

It was raining, quite hard.  But I still needed to go outside.

I came inside the house and brushed up against the Big Guy.

Now he is wet as well.

It's funny how humans will take a shower.  This means to get wet on purpose.

But when they get wet outside of the shower, it's bad.

When their clothes get wet, they get upset.

They also take baths.

They will go for a swim.

They will scuba dive.

But when their clothes get wet.  They loose their mind.

You humans need to get your shit together.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog getting his Dog Goggles on

Bye bye fur now

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

24/Apr/19 waiting for my human to come home

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

It rained quite a bit yesterday.  So much so, that I really didn't want to be outside any longer that I needed to be.

Now, I know there are other parts of the world where the rain we were getting, would be considered a shower at best.

When the Big Guy and Tonya went to bed last night, they were both listening to the rain falling on their metal roof.  They both agreed, it was such a nice sound.

Yesterday the Big Guy made meat balls, but wasn't quite sure what to make them with.  Tonya asked that he make spaghetti.

But wait!  There's more!

He also made two bread rolls.  But like subway would do them.  With Italian spices on the outside.

The house smelled like fresh bread and spaghetti sauce.

But wait!  There's more!

He cut them up into little circles and then put some butter and garlic on them.  Then shredded some mozzarella cheese.  Then put them into the oven to melt.

Like little garlic breads.

But wait!  There's more!

He didn't use regular spaghetti noodles.  He used these macaroni spaghetti noodles.  Think of elbow macaroni, only MUCH longer, like the size of spaghetti.

But wait!  There's more!

Sorry, got caught up in the moment.  There isn't any more.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having a tough time with his bucket

Bye bye fur now

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

23/Apr/19 I am not a shark with a laser on it's head

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I've heard from my non-furry Memere that my non-furry Uncle Marcel is home safe from his travels.  I guess the flooding that was on the news, really didn't effect him.

Last night, Tonya made some chicken wings.  She reached out to the Big Guy who was still at work, to bring home some sour creme, to take the bite out of the spicy wings she had made.

Well, the Big Guy got worried.  He knows that she likes spicy stuff.  Now, the Big Guy's mouth doesn't mind spicy stuff.  But it's his bowels.  The do NOT like spicy stuff.  As a matter of fact, if the stuff is too spicy, he suffers for a few days.

So when he got the email at work to get some sour creme, alarm bells went off.

He went to the grocery store to get the sour creme.

He was so worried about what his bowels would be going though.  Just how spicy were these wings.  Tonya NEVER asked the Big Guy to get sour creme due to spicy wings she has made in the past.

But as he walked into the grocery store, he seen the solution.  There, at the deli, was already cooked chicken pieces.  Not too spicy at all.

So he got the chicken, sour creme and came home.

As soon as he opened the car door, he could smell the spices.  As he came closer to the back door, obviously the spicy smells intensified.  

He was quite happy that he purchased the chicken.  He knew he could have the chicken and not be suffering the next few days.

Tonya was rather pleased with herself.  She had just taken the spicy chicken wings and heated them up for the Big Guy.

He looked at them, dumped them into a tupperware and threw them into the fridge.  He knew he wasn't going to be having them.

Tonya came out to the kitchen and seen that the Big Guy was heating up the chicken he had just bought.

She was HURT.

Not just a little hurt either.

She was upset that the Big Guy pretty much threw her supper aside.

She said that she will NEVER make spicy chicken wings again.

The Big Guy got upset too.  He was pleased that he was able to save himself from distress but he didn't think about how Tonya would react when he put her food aside.

The Big Guy told her, she can have all the spicy chicken wings.  He is NOT going to be eating them.  This made her hurt even more.  Tonya said that he's had her spicy chicken wings in the past.  But I don't think she realized how much pain the Big Guy was in afterwards.  He didn't say anything to her, so how would she know?

Dave's Hot Sauce = butt hurt for the Big Guy.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog outside in the snow

Bye bye fur now

Monday, 22 April 2019

22/Apr/19 I could have a quick chew on that sneaker

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The Big Guy was sort of snickering to himself.  He had to work yesterday.  People were telling him, he shouldn't have to work on Easter Sunday.  REALLY?  Did you realize if you didn't call him, he likely would NOT have to work on Easter Sunday.

The logic escapes a lot of people.

My non-furry Uncle Marcel is going to be on the road today.  I hope that the flooding that has been on the news doesn't effect his travels.  Otherwise, he's pretty smart, he will know what alternate highways to take if he does encounter flooding.

Yesterday it was +21 C.  That means that Summer is well on it's way.  There is also rain in the forecast each and every day this upcoming week.

It could be time for the Big Guy to go get some grass seed for the front lawn.  Each year now, for the last 4 years, the Big Guy has been going to Canadian Tire and buying a bag of grass seed.  If he would put the seed down when it's raining, perhaps the grass seed would "take".

But each year, when he is mowing the lawn, he finds that the grass doesn't grow all that well.  But it's also the part of the lawn that gets the least amount of sun.

He also has this rather large hole in the back yard that he has to deal with.  Every time he had a charcoal BBQ, he would dump the burning embers on the tree stump that was in the back yard.  Well eventually it burnt the stump to the ground. and then continued to burn the roots.  So now, there is a big hole there that should be dealt with.

He also has a few other stumps in the front yard that needs to be dealt with.  I can see a lot of BBQ in the Big Guy's future.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog playing with an empty plastic container on the deck

Bye bye fur now

Sunday, 21 April 2019

21/Apr/19 out of my way, I've got a bone to find

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So the Big Guy has been finding cat roaming his yard at night.  He's not sure if they are feral or not.  But if there are cats, it also means that the rats are in deep shit.

Yesterday the Big Guy woke up and he could hardly walk.  Turns out, he was having a gout flare up, but it wasn't at the bottom of his foot.  This time, it was a little ways up, in his ankle.  This is unsual, as he has never had problems with gout in his upper ankle before.

But it is what it is and he dealt with it.  He has these pills that he takes.  So he took them.  Today, his ankle is a lot better.

The Big Guy also noticed that his coffee cup is missing.  He thinks that Tonya found it and put it in the dish washer for him.  She is nice that way.  Otherwise, the coffee cup would be pretty dirty by the time he gives it up to be washed.  He only drinks his coffee black.  So he's pretty sure that it's just dried up coffee at the bottom of his cup.

At least that is what he hopes it is.

Geesh, what if it wasn't? And there was really nasty stuff that was at the bottom of the coffee cup, mixed with the dried up coffee?  Oh well, he's lived this long.  

I bet when Tonya reads this, she is going to be finding his coffee cup a lot more often.

Today, the weather is supposed to be nice.  But the next few days...  not so much.  Lots of rain in the forecast.  But this helps the grass and the trees grow.  Can't have green grass without rain.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the Bluenose II August 2016

Bye bye fur now