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Tuesday, 4 September 2018

4/Sep/18 yes I am all that and a bag of chips

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Well someone couldn't find the extra coffee this morning, so he didn't make the normal pot of coffee that he normally makes.  He is quite happy that they have some keurig pods so that he can have some coffee.  The Big Guy had better think about going to the store before someone else gets up, or he is going to have to deal with grumpy bear (AKA Tonya without coffee).

So I'm not sure why they call it a doggie bag, if you are taking food from one home to another.

If you are a friend with Tonya or the Big Guy on Facebook, you know that they had a family BBQ and that there was left over food.  Potato and Pasta salads, chips, pop, hot dogs and hamburgers.  Tonya told Mylynne to come and get a doggie bag to take home.

So yesterday, Tonya gets a text message on her phone that Colby and her were on the way up.  

That's when I seen it happen.  Tonya starts putting all that stuff in bags.


I could be having all that.

Since it's in a "doggie bag", then isn't that for ME?

I'm a dog.

It's in a doggie bag.

Why are you giving it to them?

That's my shit and your give it AWAY?


I don't want your pats right now.

I'm upset.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having a steak for his 2nd birthday

Bye bye fur now

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