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Sunday, 2 September 2018

2/Sep/18 yup, I do have a rather large paw

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday Tonya went shopping and I was really quite happy.  She brought me back a treat from the store.  That meant that I was in another room eating my treat, while they emptied the shopping bags. 

Kind of a win/win if you ask me.

I get a treat.

They get left alone for a few minutes.

Tonya is hosting a party today.  Her family is coming by for a BBQ.  There should be a lot of people here.  Tonya says that some times, they just put the feed bag on and leave afterwards.  We will see if they stick around today.

The Big Guy was checking the weather, and it would seem that Mother Nature is going to cooperate as far as the weather goes.  Not too hot, but not cold either.  Just warm enough that no one is going to need a jacket.

Although this time of year, you get an awful lot of dew that is on the lawn and what not.  Right now, it's like a gentle rain fall coming off the metal roof.  There is that much dew in the air.

The Big Guy and Tonya were watching this new TV series on Netflix.  If ever you watched the TV series called "Vikings", well this is the funnier program called "Norsemen".  But the other night, while they were watching it, the Big Guy fell asleep.  So he will have to rewatch that episode so that he is caught up again.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog turns into a Minion

Bye bye fur now

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