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Monday, 10 September 2018

10/Sep/18 did we really run out of treats

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I love treats.  But treats make my poop sorta loose.  But I just can't help myself.  I would eat an entire box of treats if Tonya would let me.

During my walk yesterday, I sorta had the squirty squirts.  Which was fine for Tonya.  She was home cleaning the house while the Big Guy took me for my walk.  We didn't go far as his knee is hurting him.

Tonya needed to leave to take her brother shopping as the muffler fell off his car yesterday.  So the Big Guy took the pool noodle that was in the back of the car and put it next to the retaining wall.  There is no way that she is going to hit the wall now.

But he has to figure out a way to widen his driveway.

I guess at some point, they have to figure out, if they are going to redo the driveway or not.  There is some patches that have dips in the driveway.  Although it only effects the car, not me.

When we came home from our walk, I caught a sent of a rat.  Oh I really wanted to investigate.  But the Big Guy was having NONE of that.  He pulled me out of the bushes that is beside the driveway and insisted that we go sit on the deck for a bit.

Talking of sitting outside.  Tonya got the Big Guy outside about 4 times yesterday.  You could tell this wasn't his idea at all.  But they went outside and they sat.  Then they would get cold and go sit inside.  Tonya would get hot and want to sit out again.  So they would sit out.  She would get cold and want to go back inside again.  So they would go inside.  The weather is changing and it's getting colder out now.

This means Winter.  The Big Guy is NOT a fan of Winter.  He doesn't mind a little bit of snow.  But a lot of snow...  he isn't a fan of that either.  He found that the last Winter, was more than enough snow for him.  Just enough to need the snow blower a few times, but not so much that he didn't know where to put all the snow.

He was hoping that with all the heat they were getting this summer, that it would be another Winter with a wee bit of snow.  I guess we will have to wait and see.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog with close up

Bye bye fur now

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