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Friday, 28 September 2018

28/Sep/18 two parts of my 4 x 4 paw system

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

As many of you know, I always get excited about Fridays.  They are the best.  It's the day that everyone around here puts their garbage out to the curb.  I have to get my sniffer in top performing condition so that I can smell those smells.

Then there is the additional green bin that is also put to the curb.  If required, I pee on them.

Last night, the Big Guy got home before Tonya did.  So he made these cookies and brought them back to work.  Everyone really liked them.  There is this one lady though, she left before she knew what the Big Guy had brought to work.  Today, she isn't going to have any as she doesn't work on Friday's.

I think that Tonya is going to be bringing the cookies to work today.  The Big Guy didn't have any as they got flour and sugar in them.  They are both on his Keto NO list.  He has other stuff that he's allowed to have.  But this stuff...  nope...  He's trying to loose weight.

Talking of loosing weight, my non-furry Uncle Marcel has lost weight and said that he is finally at his target weight.  So he's been doing great on this weight loss journey.

Yesterday, while I was out walking.  There was this group of about 12 kids.  They are what they call pre-kindergarden.  Tonya seen them and I got excited.  She got me to sit.  All the children gathered around me.  There was two teachers and they were guarding the children.  All the children wanted to pat me.  

One of the children couldn't hold back.  He ran up to me and gave me a BIG hug!  So I licked his face.  He screamed with delight.  Oh that made me excited too.  Tonya was holding me back.  My tail was wagging as fast as I could make it wag.

I let out a few barks.  I was using my "out door voice" too.  So they were really loud barks.  Tonya told the children, that's how I say hello.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog learns how to swim

Bye bye fur now

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