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Sunday, 16 September 2018

16/Sep/18 I just don't want my picture taken

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

This picture is from last Thursday, when the Big Guy was off work.  He had just finished cleaning out the freezer and throwing out stuff that he couldn't identify.  So it all went outside for the birds.  But where he was sitting, the birds were too nervous to land and peck away at the old freezer burnt food.

He moved his BBQ to the back yard, over by his garage.  Well the birds were still too nervous to land.

The Big Guy made a Pulled Pork and a Burnt End roast.  There is still some in the fridge right now.

The Big Guy had his little bluetooth speaker and the cell phone that has the music on it.  He sat in the full sun for about 3 hours.  Just thinking about stuff.  

He reminisced about how for 2 summers, he would cook 2 boxes of Kraft Dinner every day, for lunch for himself and his 2 brothers.  He thinks it would have been the summers of '75 and '76.

He remembers that they had purchased a no name macaroni and cheese.  Well, it was TERRIBLE.  My non-furry Pepere didn't want to waste any food, but he tried it and agreed, it was shit.  So he brought it to the field and threw it out for the other animals to eat.

But as the Big Guy was sitting there, drinking wine and enjoying the day, he thought about how nice it would be to have his two brothers there, he would be able to cook lunch for them and they would all reminisce about the old days.

I guess that's what old people do...  think about the past...

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog dreaming about flying

Bye bye fur now

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