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Wednesday, 19 September 2018

19/Sep/18 be a dear and put the blanket over me

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Most of the rain that we were due to get, we got.  So it wasn't so bad after all.  Then again, we only got brushed by what was left of the hurricane.  The next few days, no rain in the forecast.

I was out for a walk with Tonya yesterday.  I stopped in front of her, she wasn't paying attention and she tripped over me and fell to the ground.  As she was laying there, she moved all her limbs.  Nothing broken.  She got up and got me home again.  There was two ladies that were down the street that pulled up next to her to see if she was OK.  Just a bruised ego for falling over me.

But where she does have two replaced knees, she has to be careful not to damage her knees.  I'm sure the metal parts would be fine, but not so much the bone.

Next month, the Big Guy and Tonya will be decorating for Halloween.  They can only put out so much stuff with me around.  My tail is a real danger of sweeping stuff right off window sills and the like.

Last night, when Tonya got home, she made herself fried bologna and fried eggs.  Oh and I love them both.  Normally I will sit next to her and I will move my mussel so close, I could just reach out with my tongue and swipe it right off her plate.  I get the power drools started and her arm is full of drools as I am right there next to her plate, watching every bite that goes into her mouth.

Regretfully I can't do that with the Big Guy.  He gives me the "angry eyes".  

Screw that, I'm not THAT hungry.  I'll go have some kibble.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having his first swim

Bye bye fur now

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