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Wednesday, 26 September 2018

26/Sep/18 I want to lick those shoes

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday I told you about a tree stump that is in the back yard.  My non-furry Memere suggested that we get some rocks from the beach to fill in the holes.  Well we sure do have a lot of beaches around her to choose from.

I'm sure that would work.  The Big Guy would only need a few buckets and he would be done.

Today, the Big Guy has 3 jobs to do.

1.  Bring the car to Ford for them to fix the small plastic piece that got damaged a few weeks ago when the car hit the retaining wall.

2.  Get Tonya's medication from the drug store as her prescription should be ready.

3.  Make a zucchini lasagna.

Now, if I know the Big Guy, he's going to be loading up that lasagna with onions.  So that will mean no lasagna for me.

I have to wonder if Garfield the cat loves lasagna so much... do they put onions in their lasagna and are cats allergic to onions?

The Big Guy is quite impressed with Tonya.  She still hasn't used the new printer tray as a shelf as of yet.  The old printer, you would find all kinds of stuff on the printer tray.  Obviously stuff that didn't really belong there either.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog with close up

Bye bye fur now

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