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Saturday, 22 September 2018

22/Sep/18 yes I'm listening, your voice is very loud

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So we are supposed to get this wind storm.  With gusts up to 90 kph.  That would be 55 mph for my American readers.  Either way, it's fricking windy.  Not a lot of rain though.

Tonya and the Big Guy normally have these blow up things for the front yard for Halloween.  It's these wind storms that will damage those blow up decorations.  So after they decorate, they constantly have to keep an eye out for the weather conditions.

The Big Guy seen a branch that fell off one of his trees.  It's sitting upright in the front hedge.  Just sitting there.  The Big Guy knows that a few branches needs to be trimmed to make sure that none fall out of the tree when his car is passing under the tree.  

This sounds like a job for tomorrow as the wind will not be so bad.  Also, no rain tomorrow.  So far.

So do you know what the Big Guy did all day yesterday while he was off?  He played his XBox and watched TV.  Oh sure, he made supper.  But then he also screwed that up too.  He was supposed to have some peas and carrots added to his shepherds pie.  Well he forgot them.  I think he was thinking about the TV show he was watching.

Talking of TV shows, he has finally finished watching this TV series called Sense 8.  He gave it a "thumbs up" on Netflix.  He said that it was pretty good.

Well the Big Guy is hungry.  So he's going to go make some breakfast.  I will see what he makes for Tonya so that I can beg off of her plate.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog empties his toy bucket

Bye bye fur now

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