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Sunday, 23 September 2018

23/Sep/18 I'm just keeping your chair warm for you

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Every so often, Tonya will lift up the cushions for the couch.  She will natter on about how much of my fur is everywhere.

She knew what getting a Bernese Mountain Dog was all about.  We shed.  A lot!  And often.  Why just the other day, I was all excited about going for a walk and I barked.  The Big Guy said that when I barked, about 1000 hairs flew off me.

Tonya and the Big Guy went shopping yesterday.  They were very thoughtful and brought me home a treat.  Mostly it's just a bribe to keep me from rooting though the grocery bags to see what other stuff they got in their.

But yesterday they mostly had onions, peppers, squash and other stuff like that.  They went to Hank's Farms and saved a whack of money.  In the grocery store, they will weigh the produce and sell it by the kilogram.  Where as at Hank's Farm, they sell it by the piece.  You should see this one zucchini.  It's HUGE.  Normally they would make spaghetti noodles out of it.  Well this thing is way too big to make noodles out of.  None of their noodle makers are large enough for this massive veggie.

That is...  unless they try to make lasagna from it.  Now that would work.  Oh but then I bet they would put onions in it.  I can't have onions.  Not good for me.

They didn't get steak.  But they did get some roasts.  I can have roast.  But do you know what they cook WITH the roast?  Yup, onions.  Like HELLO!  Dog here!  Cook without onions once, would ya?  Then I can have it too.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog trying to rescue his bucket from the pool

Bye bye fur now

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