Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home. Yesterday while I was out for my walk, someone new had come up and asked if they could pat me. I thought it was weird, I could smell Bailey off this guy. Turns out, it was the grandfather of Bailey's owner. They were sad that I got neutered, but understood that my owners had to do what was best for me. Then, later on, I met up with someone new. Her name was Terry Lynn. She seemed nice. She didn't run up to me, she was calm and waited for me to sniff her to determine if she was a good person or not. I felt she was a nice person, so I leaned on her. She didn't know how much I weighed. ha ha Tonya and the Big Guy decided to have a bon fire last night. Tonya had me out on my lead for a bit. Well that came to an end. Of course I just couldn't just lay down. I started to try to get my collar off my head. So me being outside with them quickly came to an end. Tonya was commenting on how the grass was looking a bit shaggy. This means that the Big Guy has got to get off his ass and cut the grass today. He doesn't mind that part. It's the trim work after the fact that he doesn't like so much. But it has to get done. They like to have a nice looking yard. Also, perhaps next weekend, they will be putting up their Halloween decorations. So they have got to get their yard cleaned up before they start decorating. Tonya was on the road yesterday and there was a guy selling small light houses. She bought two of them. Well one of them doesn't light up. The Big Guy is going to have to see if this is something that can be fixed. Otherwise, Tonya will have to see if she can find that guy again and tell him, look, you sold me a dud light house.
Your Blast From the Past
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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is tired from being at Doggie Daycare
Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home. My job is to let everyone know that there is something going on outside that I don't approve of. Sometimes, I will see a suspicious leaf that is blowing across the yard. I will see that the wind is blowing the tree around. Was that blade of grass there before? Those items will get me to the window and I will stare outside. OK, everything is alright. We can relax again. BUT If I see another dog. That's it. I loose my friggin mind. Time to sound the alarm. BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK I bark so loud, I can even be heard outside the house. That will be when I'm let outside. FANTASTIC! BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK Wait Shit I'm on the wrong side of the house. I can't see them any more. I better run to the other side where I can see them. Shit, my lead will only reach so far. Better run back in case I can see them. Wait... What was I barking at again? Your Blast From the Past
Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home. As many of you know, I always get excited about Fridays. They are the best. It's the day that everyone around here puts their garbage out to the curb. I have to get my sniffer in top performing condition so that I can smell those smells. Then there is the additional green bin that is also put to the curb. If required, I pee on them. Last night, the Big Guy got home before Tonya did. So he made these cookies and brought them back to work. Everyone really liked them. There is this one lady though, she left before she knew what the Big Guy had brought to work. Today, she isn't going to have any as she doesn't work on Friday's. I think that Tonya is going to be bringing the cookies to work today. The Big Guy didn't have any as they got flour and sugar in them. They are both on his Keto NO list. He has other stuff that he's allowed to have. But this stuff... nope... He's trying to loose weight. Talking of loosing weight, my non-furry Uncle Marcel has lost weight and said that he is finally at his target weight. So he's been doing great on this weight loss journey. Yesterday, while I was out walking. There was this group of about 12 kids. They are what they call pre-kindergarden. Tonya seen them and I got excited. She got me to sit. All the children gathered around me. There was two teachers and they were guarding the children. All the children wanted to pat me. One of the children couldn't hold back. He ran up to me and gave me a BIG hug! So I licked his face. He screamed with delight. Oh that made me excited too. Tonya was holding me back. My tail was wagging as fast as I could make it wag. I let out a few barks. I was using my "out door voice" too. So they were really loud barks. Tonya told the children, that's how I say hello. Your Blast From the Past
Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home. Each and every day, the Big Guy chases me around with that damn camera. Did you see today's picture. Nice. Really nice. He could have taken a second picture. But Noooo... Gotta use this picture... So yesterday, the Big Guy took me to the Ford Dealership. There was this SUV in the parking lot. The Big Guy took a picture of the SUV. I think it's supposed to be mine. What do you think?
It's mine right? It's got my name on it. That's when the Big Guy found out the price. $82,000.00. So I think it's going to be staying at Ford for the time being. But while I was at the dealership, I was really good. I got to meet a lot of people that all love doggies. So I was patted and hugged a few times. I was even given a few treats. Afterwards, we went to the Dog Park as it's just around the corner from where the dealership is. I got to poop there, which the Big Guy got to pick up and then we came home. I was bored. The was no other doggies there to play with. Your Blast From the Past
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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog excited about going for a walk
Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home. Yesterday I told you about a tree stump that is in the back yard. My non-furry Memere suggested that we get some rocks from the beach to fill in the holes. Well we sure do have a lot of beaches around her to choose from. I'm sure that would work. The Big Guy would only need a few buckets and he would be done. Today, the Big Guy has 3 jobs to do. 1. Bring the car to Ford for them to fix the small plastic piece that got damaged a few weeks ago when the car hit the retaining wall. 2. Get Tonya's medication from the drug store as her prescription should be ready. 3. Make a zucchini lasagna. Now, if I know the Big Guy, he's going to be loading up that lasagna with onions. So that will mean no lasagna for me. I have to wonder if Garfield the cat loves lasagna so much... do they put onions in their lasagna and are cats allergic to onions? The Big Guy is quite impressed with Tonya. She still hasn't used the new printer tray as a shelf as of yet. The old printer, you would find all kinds of stuff on the printer tray. Obviously stuff that didn't really belong there either. Your Blast From the Past
Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home. At one point in time, there was a tree that grew in our backyard. Before Tonya and the Big Guy bought the house, the tree was cut down and there was a rather large tree stump that was left in place. This stump was big enough to sit on. The Big Guy used to trim the grass around the stump. They even used it as a feeding place for the scraps they would put out for the feral cats. This action sped up the decay process for the stump. Over time, that tree has decayed. Then there must have been a family of rats that moved in under the stump. The tree stump continued to decay. Last year, the Big Guy got a charcoal BBQ. When he was done with the charcoal, which was still burning, he would dump the stuff onto the tree stump. Which would continue to burn for a few hours. Well this burn went on for more than a few hours. It burnt so much, that now the grass has rather large holes in it. Either it was the rats home, or it was roots that was there. Either way, there is holes in the ground surrounding what would have been a mighty tree. So Tonya and the Big Guy have been putting their vegetable scraps into the holes. This will two things. 1, it will fill the holes up and create compost. 2, the compost will speed up the decay for what's left of the tree stump. They are not putting bones in the holes as they don't want to invite other critters to move into the holes. Now, it would seem that only bugs like cast off vegetables. Bugs will create compost. Yes, I'm sure that some animals will eat the bugs, but not if they got other food sources. We're talking about peelings and egg shells here. Or the rotting fruit and vegetables that wasn't eaten fast enough from their fridge. Even I wouldn't eat that stuff. Yuck. But all that rotting vegetation smells WONDERFUL. Tonya and the Big Guy have to watch out when I'm outside without my collar or leash on. I run right to the stump to get a HUGE sniff. Tonya's afraid that I will break my paw if I fall into one of the holes. Like I'm sort of dumb horse. Not like they would shoot me if I broke my leg. Right? Your Blast From the Past
Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home. Yesterday Tonya wanted to wash the floors. So the trade off is that the Big Guy will take me for a walk. We only went a short way when I had to poop. Well, that was it, walk was over. He brought me and my poop home. I guess he doesn't like walking around with my poop in the little bag that he has to carry around. When he got home, he did say that his back was hurting. He does carry around a lot of weight. It's no wonder his back was hurting. Starting this Wednesday, we got rain though out the forecast. Geesh, now isn't the time to get rain. Rain was supposed to happen in the summer. Then again, the little bit of rain that we did get, meant that there wasn't as many mosquitoes. The Big Guy was talking to one of his old friends that still lives in Winnipeg. That guy was saying, they had snow there. Tonya did a bunch of pickled beets yesterday. Her brothers have told her, she is allowed to bring them a few jars. Tonya said no. I don't blame her. They could have come to the house and helped her bottle the beets. But did they? Nope. So, no beets for you! Tonya was also telling her brother about the Savoy Cabbages that are at Hank's Farm. He says that they are best for doing up Cabbage Rolls. Yet another thing that the Big Guy doesn't much like. He doesn't mind the stuffing, but the boiled cabbage... not so much. So Tonya is going to take her brother shopping next weekend, once he got his check cashed. What does that mean to the Big Guy? An unrestricted day of playing XBox. Your Blast From the Past
Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home. Every so often, Tonya will lift up the cushions for the couch. She will natter on about how much of my fur is everywhere. She knew what getting a Bernese Mountain Dog was all about. We shed. A lot! And often. Why just the other day, I was all excited about going for a walk and I barked. The Big Guy said that when I barked, about 1000 hairs flew off me. Tonya and the Big Guy went shopping yesterday. They were very thoughtful and brought me home a treat. Mostly it's just a bribe to keep me from rooting though the grocery bags to see what other stuff they got in their. But yesterday they mostly had onions, peppers, squash and other stuff like that. They went to Hank's Farms and saved a whack of money. In the grocery store, they will weigh the produce and sell it by the kilogram. Where as at Hank's Farm, they sell it by the piece. You should see this one zucchini. It's HUGE. Normally they would make spaghetti noodles out of it. Well this thing is way too big to make noodles out of. None of their noodle makers are large enough for this massive veggie. That is... unless they try to make lasagna from it. Now that would work. Oh but then I bet they would put onions in it. I can't have onions. Not good for me. They didn't get steak. But they did get some roasts. I can have roast. But do you know what they cook WITH the roast? Yup, onions. Like HELLO! Dog here! Cook without onions once, would ya? Then I can have it too. Your Blast From the Past
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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog trying to rescue his bucket from the pool
Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home. So we are supposed to get this wind storm. With gusts up to 90 kph. That would be 55 mph for my American readers. Either way, it's fricking windy. Not a lot of rain though. Tonya and the Big Guy normally have these blow up things for the front yard for Halloween. It's these wind storms that will damage those blow up decorations. So after they decorate, they constantly have to keep an eye out for the weather conditions. The Big Guy seen a branch that fell off one of his trees. It's sitting upright in the front hedge. Just sitting there. The Big Guy knows that a few branches needs to be trimmed to make sure that none fall out of the tree when his car is passing under the tree. This sounds like a job for tomorrow as the wind will not be so bad. Also, no rain tomorrow. So far. So do you know what the Big Guy did all day yesterday while he was off? He played his XBox and watched TV. Oh sure, he made supper. But then he also screwed that up too. He was supposed to have some peas and carrots added to his shepherds pie. Well he forgot them. I think he was thinking about the TV show he was watching. Talking of TV shows, he has finally finished watching this TV series called Sense 8. He gave it a "thumbs up" on Netflix. He said that it was pretty good. Well the Big Guy is hungry. So he's going to go make some breakfast. I will see what he makes for Tonya so that I can beg off of her plate. Your Blast From the Past
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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog empties his toy bucket
I think it's the first day of Fall. This is where the leaves are going to fall off the trees and generally make a mess of the Big Guy's yard. Some times he tries to mulch the leaves. Then he puts them into the green bin. Not sure why, there is areas that he wants to get "built up" with dirt. This would be a good start. Oh well, his problem, not mine. Mine is the run thought the leaves and smell as many smells as I can. Especially if it's wet leaves. Oh my, there is a lot of smells in wet leaves. Did I tell you about what I did to Tonya? She can be so nice. She takes me for walks. BUT I also like to smell stuff. Or I will get an itch and need to scratch. So, were out for a walk and I get an itch. So I plop myself down and go for the scratch just behind my ear. Well Tonya wasn't paying attention and geesh, she tripped over me. So down she goes, flat on her face. BUT not before landing on me first. Nice to know that I could soften her fall. Some of you may know, Tonya's had her knees replaced. Kneeling down on these knees is something in the past for her. As she is laying on the ground, she rolled over and tried to see if anything is broken. Adults don't fall down very often and don't fall gracefully. Not like kids. They fall all the time. As I see her laying there, I think, it MUST be play time of some sort or other. She starts to bat me away. Strange game, but what the hell, I'll play along anyways. Two ladies seen her fall, so they came over to help. I don't know the rules to the game. Are they going to launch themselves at the ground too? Turns out, it wasn't play time at all. Not like that time the Big Guy had me out for a walk and it was VERY icy on the sidewalk. He fell and slid down the sidewalk. No one stopped to help him. But what was worst for him was that someone had previous been walking their dog and they didn't scoop their dogs poop and the Big Guy was sliding right towards it. Now they got those ice grip thingies for their shoes. Perhaps Tonya should wear them even though the sidewalks are not icy. Your Blast From the Past
Your Daily Video
Max our Bernese Mountain Dog trying to rescue his bucket from the pool