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Monday, 30 July 2018

30/Jul/18 could you open the fridge so I can get the cold air

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Every so often, Tonya or the Big Guy will open the refrigerator and I can feel the cold air spilling out.  How I would love to just crawl in for a bit and cool off.

The Big Guy was telling me that his middle brother, he has a very special fridge.  If you leave the door open too long, there is an alarm that will sound.  So you better know what your looking for before you open the door.

So, I bet your wondering, what did ole Maxi poo do for excitement yesterday.

Well I'll tell ya.


I laid around.

It was way too muggy to go for a walk.

I've noticed that there is a lot of other doggies that normally go for walks, but I haven't seen them in a while now.

It's just way too humid to go for walks.

Yesterday, they were forecasting for thunder and lightening.  What did we get?  Just a bit of rain.  No thunder and definitely no lightening.

The grass is turning brown.  So we better get some rain before too long.  The next forcasted rain date is next week.  So 7 days from now.

I can remember posting last year about people's wells that were drying up.  So far, not this year.

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Bye bye fur now

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