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Wednesday, 18 July 2018

18/Jul/18 hello sexy, wink wink

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

OK, so I thought I was making a "sexy face"...  well to be honest, when the Big Guy is holding the camera about two inches from your face, it's hard not to wince when the flash goes off.

It's really humid here.  

If the humans move, they sweat.  

We are due to get a bunch of rain today.  

Now, that's subjective.  Some places get a lot of rain.  But for us, it's going to be a lot of rain today.  About 20 mm when it's all said and done, just under and inch of rain.  I know, I know, some people are saying that they can get that and more in one down burst.  But I don't live in Central Canada, where a storm can dump that amount of water in about 5 minutes.

Right now, the Big Guy is looking at the thermometer that he has next to the computer and it is registering about 25 C.  That's about 78 F on the old scale.  I know that not everyone that reads my blog is on the metric system.

But, the Big Guy will still ask for a 2 x 4 vice asking for a 38 x 89.  It's also a 8 foot stud, vice a 2.44m long stud.  Although I'm sure it works out when building stuff, as there are houses being built all the time.  As an example of this, there is two new houses just around the corner from where I live, but they haven't sold.  I think they are asking way too much money for them.  There just isn't anyone that can afford them.

Well, gotta see if the Big Guy can't take me for a walk early today.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video (Click on the picture to see the video)

Bye bye fur now

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