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Sunday, 29 July 2018

29/Jul/18 oh the humidity

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Did you see what I did there with today's title?  Some of you may have seen this a play on the Hindenburg reporter's words when it was on fire and crashing into the ground.  He said, "Oh the humanity".  Get it?  I'm pretty witty, right?

I'm trying to beat the humidity by laying outside and pointing my mussel towards the breeze.  So far, it's only providing a little relief.

Yesterday, Tonya insisted that we go to Grove's Point on the Bras D'Or lakes.

We get into the oven like car and turn the air conditioner up to full blast.  It was so nice to feel the cool air from the vents.

The Big Guy brought one of my longer rope leads with him.  We parked the car and I wanted to run into the water.  But the Big Guy was holding me back.  No matter how hard I dug in and even turned on my 4 x 4 paw drive, I just couldn't get to the water fast enough.

We beat Tonya into the water by a country mile.

It was so nice to be in the cool water.

Tonya came into the water too cool off as well.

I was so happy, I took a poop on the beach.  Tonya wasn't happy as she had to pick it up.  She even put it in the beach bag that she brought with us.  I'm telling ya, I've got pretty special poop.

Back into the water we go.

I watched Tonya pick up some salt water jello and throw it up on the beach. 

Time to investigate.

I ran out of the water.

I tried to sniff the salt water jello.

No smell.

Tonya's yelling at me.

The Big Guy seems to be watching me.

I need to taste the salt water jello.

I lick



This is what I licked.

The Big Guy COULD have warned me.  But no.  

This isn't some sort of salt water jello, it's salt water fire.  (also known as a jellyfish)

Back into the water I go.  Tonya is comforting me.  I am trying to lick the salt water.  Now Tonya's giving me shit for that too.

Up onto the beach where she has brought this jar of ice cubes.  

Oh this is much better.  Such relief.

I slowly go back over to the salt water fire/jello.  Only this time, I'm very cautious.  I crouch down and BARK at it.  REALLY LOUD TOO!

We came home and I went into my little kiddy pool.

The Big Guy seen one of those friggin Jalapeno Sky Raisins and hit it with the fly swatter and threw if off the deck.

Nature is cruel.

Up yours nature!  I'm staying home from now on.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video (Click on the picture to see the video)

Bye bye fur now

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