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Thursday, 12 July 2018

12/Jul/18 got kennel cough

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Well the Big Guy got a phone call last night from the pharmacy.  It would have been around 9 last night.  This is unusual, as not a lot of people will call that late in the day.  Turns out, one of the pills he takes, has a side effect of causing cancer.  So they wanted to know if they could contact my Dr to see if he would like to prescribe a new pill.

I told her, we were hoping that it was the Margaree Chase the Ace people that were calling.

Turns out, the Big Guy and Tonya didn't win.  (Click on the picture to go full screen)

Congratulations to the winners.

So the Big Guy will not be doing little road trips to Margaree any longer.

Like I was saying in the subject line, I've got kennel cough.  Or at least the beginning stages.  I've got an eye infection that is in both eyes now.  I've been hacking quite a bit.  So Tonya wanted me to go to the Vet.  But she called and prescribed over the counter meds for me for now.

I have no real appetite.  Tonya reached out to the kennel folks and told them what I have and to watch out for the other dogs.

If I get worst, then I will be prescribed antibiotics.

Most dog endure Kennel Cough, like humans do with a normal cold.  I will be miserable for the next couple of days.

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Bye bye fur now

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