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Sunday, 22 July 2018

22/Jul/18 I've got pillow lines on my fur

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I was laying on the floor when the Big Guy decided that it would be a good time to snap a picture of me.  

Look at my fur!  


Not a flattering picture at all.

It rained really hard a few times yesterday.  I think they are called cloud bursts.  It would rain, super hard for about 4 minutes, then pretty much be drizzle after that.

When Tonya went shopping for her sister and she came home, she had her own groceries to bring in.  Well, it was just at that moment when the sky opened and she was getting soaking wet.  She wanted the Big Guy to go outside with her.  He's no fool.  He stayed inside and would bring the groceries into the kitchen while keeping me from running outside in the rain.

We did end up going for a walk.  When we got home, the Big Guy had to take his shirt off and hang it over the railing to dry out.

It's going to be one of those high humidity days out today and it's going to be showering off and on all day as well.  It other words, another Netflix kind of day.

A few weeks ago, Tonya bought these portobello mushrooms.  I guess for those people that don't want to have hamburgers, these are a great replacement.  

The Big Guy kept making other meals and eventually, they went bad and had to be thrown out.  

I'm pretty sure the Big Guy did that on purpose.  He really likes beef, chicken, pork and fish.  Mushrooms that pretend to be beef is just not his "thing".  I wonder why she didn't just cook them for herself and eat them on her own?  I'm pretty sure the Big Guy would have happily had something else that day.

One thing I've noticed, if it's really not the Big Guy's idea, he will do quite a bit to avoid what ever it is that isn't his idea.

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Bye bye fur now

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