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Friday, 27 July 2018

27/Jul/18 it's too warm to go for a walk

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday we went for a walk and when we stopped, I sorta plopped down on the sidewalk and just laid there, panting.  I didn't really act up on our walk.  I just walked, sniffed a few things, and walked again.  No running or stupid stuff like that to over heat myself.

Now, as I am looking outside, I rained last night.  But it hasn't broken the humidity.

Normally when it's this humid, there is a risk of thunder and lightening storms.  They are getting them up the line, but not here.  Nope, we get the humidity and no relief.

Tonya had me outside yesterday and I pretty much destroyed her hosta plant that is in the front yard.  I used my huge paws to dig at the ground, looking for reprieve from the heat.  I really didn't give a shit that there was a plant in my way.  I was looking for the cool earth.  Eventually I found what I was looking for and laid in the cool earth.  

She wasn't too upset with me.

Now, the hosta plant that is on the other side of the deck, well it's in the full sun.  So I really don't mess with that one.

So it's Friday and it's garbage day.  I can see the bags of garbage that is outside.  Do you really think that I care that it's garbage day today?  It just too humid for me to care today.  Perhaps if the humidity breaks, I will be comfortable again.

Tonya keeps trying to force me to lay down in the pool.  But I'm not a water dog.  I'm a snow dog.  I get scared of the water.  Now, those water dogs, they don't enjoy the snow like I do.

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Bye bye fur now

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