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Friday, 13 July 2018

13/Jul/18 I didn't win Chase The Ace

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

There is a very upset lady that won the Chase The Ace in Margaree.  She felt that she deserved the entire winnings.  But she had to share with her nephew.

The only persons that is going to win in this dispute, is the lawyers.  They are going to win BIG time.

I'm sure had the Big Guy won, people would have been asking him for some of his money.  So I guess it's good that he didn't win a jackpot that big.  He certainly would have retired though.

So Hurricane Chris came for a visit yesterday afternoon.  But by last evening, the sky was clear and the weather wasn't so hot any longer.  When Tonya and the Big Guy were sitting outside, they needed to have jackets on.

We went for a walk last night, but because I have Kennel Cough, I am not allowed to interact with other dogs.  There was several dogs that wanted to come up to me, but the Big Guy told the owners to keep their dog away from me.  He doesn't want their dogs to become infected too.  One lady never heard of Kennel Cough.  Think of it like pneumonia for humans.  It is contagious.

But my cough and my drippy eyes are getting a lot better.

The Vet didn't want to prescribe antibiotics unless it was the last thing she could do.  Since I'm on the mend, looks like I will not need to worry about that.

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