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Tuesday, 31 July 2018

31/Jul/18 when will we go for walks again

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

OK, so I know some of my readers are thinking, what heat?  Some of you must be saying; "It's not hot where your at".  The Big Guy will agree with you.  

He will often tell the story where he went to Cuba, during NATO 93.  He said that it was very warm there.  When he went for a walk, he said that it was about +40 and that was without the humidity.

But again, I keep telling him, I don't live in Cuba.

Then he will talk about when he was in the Middle East.

Yes, yes, I know it's warm there too.

The Big Guy went though the Judean Desert and then was floating around in the Dead Sea (He's the guy to the left).  

Yes yes, I know... were all very impressed that you've been places.


It's warm here.  

I'm a dog and I'm wearing a fur coat.

Why can't you get me an air conditioner?

Oh well, may as well not get on about something that I have no control over.

To my readers, how hot is it where YOU live?

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Bye bye fur now

Monday, 30 July 2018

30/Jul/18 could you open the fridge so I can get the cold air

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Every so often, Tonya or the Big Guy will open the refrigerator and I can feel the cold air spilling out.  How I would love to just crawl in for a bit and cool off.

The Big Guy was telling me that his middle brother, he has a very special fridge.  If you leave the door open too long, there is an alarm that will sound.  So you better know what your looking for before you open the door.

So, I bet your wondering, what did ole Maxi poo do for excitement yesterday.

Well I'll tell ya.


I laid around.

It was way too muggy to go for a walk.

I've noticed that there is a lot of other doggies that normally go for walks, but I haven't seen them in a while now.

It's just way too humid to go for walks.

Yesterday, they were forecasting for thunder and lightening.  What did we get?  Just a bit of rain.  No thunder and definitely no lightening.

The grass is turning brown.  So we better get some rain before too long.  The next forcasted rain date is next week.  So 7 days from now.

I can remember posting last year about people's wells that were drying up.  So far, not this year.

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Bye bye fur now

Sunday, 29 July 2018

29/Jul/18 oh the humidity

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Did you see what I did there with today's title?  Some of you may have seen this a play on the Hindenburg reporter's words when it was on fire and crashing into the ground.  He said, "Oh the humanity".  Get it?  I'm pretty witty, right?

I'm trying to beat the humidity by laying outside and pointing my mussel towards the breeze.  So far, it's only providing a little relief.

Yesterday, Tonya insisted that we go to Grove's Point on the Bras D'Or lakes.

We get into the oven like car and turn the air conditioner up to full blast.  It was so nice to feel the cool air from the vents.

The Big Guy brought one of my longer rope leads with him.  We parked the car and I wanted to run into the water.  But the Big Guy was holding me back.  No matter how hard I dug in and even turned on my 4 x 4 paw drive, I just couldn't get to the water fast enough.

We beat Tonya into the water by a country mile.

It was so nice to be in the cool water.

Tonya came into the water too cool off as well.

I was so happy, I took a poop on the beach.  Tonya wasn't happy as she had to pick it up.  She even put it in the beach bag that she brought with us.  I'm telling ya, I've got pretty special poop.

Back into the water we go.

I watched Tonya pick up some salt water jello and throw it up on the beach. 

Time to investigate.

I ran out of the water.

I tried to sniff the salt water jello.

No smell.

Tonya's yelling at me.

The Big Guy seems to be watching me.

I need to taste the salt water jello.

I lick



This is what I licked.

The Big Guy COULD have warned me.  But no.  

This isn't some sort of salt water jello, it's salt water fire.  (also known as a jellyfish)

Back into the water I go.  Tonya is comforting me.  I am trying to lick the salt water.  Now Tonya's giving me shit for that too.

Up onto the beach where she has brought this jar of ice cubes.  

Oh this is much better.  Such relief.

I slowly go back over to the salt water fire/jello.  Only this time, I'm very cautious.  I crouch down and BARK at it.  REALLY LOUD TOO!

We came home and I went into my little kiddy pool.

The Big Guy seen one of those friggin Jalapeno Sky Raisins and hit it with the fly swatter and threw if off the deck.

Nature is cruel.

Up yours nature!  I'm staying home from now on.

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Bye bye fur now

Saturday, 28 July 2018

28/Jul/18 you may walk AROUND me

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So yesterday, I was outside with Tonya.  She was cleaning out my little kiddie pool and putting some fresh water in it.

Well along comes a sky raisin and it flying around her.

She is swatting at it and doing her best macarena dance moves to get the sky raisin to fly away from her.

I was intently watching it's flight patterns, when I knew it was going to fly within striking distance of my mouth.  

I lunged.



I coughed it out of my mouth.

My tongue was on FIRE!

I tried to run away.  Sorry Tonya, you can fend for yourself now.  See if doing the macarena dance will help some more.

That is when it landed and Tonya got a bucket of water and drowned the little fucker.  Then for good measure, she stepped on his little body and did a pirouette.

I slowly went over to investigate.  

What was left of him, was crushed into the boards of the deck.

I sniffed what was left.  I had to try and get the scent to remember, don't try to eat jalapeno sky raisins.

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Bye bye fur now

Friday, 27 July 2018

27/Jul/18 it's too warm to go for a walk

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday we went for a walk and when we stopped, I sorta plopped down on the sidewalk and just laid there, panting.  I didn't really act up on our walk.  I just walked, sniffed a few things, and walked again.  No running or stupid stuff like that to over heat myself.

Now, as I am looking outside, I rained last night.  But it hasn't broken the humidity.

Normally when it's this humid, there is a risk of thunder and lightening storms.  They are getting them up the line, but not here.  Nope, we get the humidity and no relief.

Tonya had me outside yesterday and I pretty much destroyed her hosta plant that is in the front yard.  I used my huge paws to dig at the ground, looking for reprieve from the heat.  I really didn't give a shit that there was a plant in my way.  I was looking for the cool earth.  Eventually I found what I was looking for and laid in the cool earth.  

She wasn't too upset with me.

Now, the hosta plant that is on the other side of the deck, well it's in the full sun.  So I really don't mess with that one.

So it's Friday and it's garbage day.  I can see the bags of garbage that is outside.  Do you really think that I care that it's garbage day today?  It just too humid for me to care today.  Perhaps if the humidity breaks, I will be comfortable again.

Tonya keeps trying to force me to lay down in the pool.  But I'm not a water dog.  I'm a snow dog.  I get scared of the water.  Now, those water dogs, they don't enjoy the snow like I do.

Your Blast From the Past

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Bye bye fur now

Thursday, 26 July 2018

26/Jul/18 I spent the night outside

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

As you can see by the title, I decided that I would spend the night outside.  I'm sure that if Tonya had a blow up bed, and a screened in room, she would have also spent the night outside with me.  It is quite warm inside the house.

Tonya tried several times to get me to come inside.

No way.

It was so much cooler outside.

So when the Big Guy got up this morning, she told him that I was outside.  If you look at the picture, I'm on the other side of the pool.

It's 22 C outside right now.  Inside the house, it's 28 C.  But it's the humidity that's stifling.

The Big Guy opened up the front door to allow a cross breeze.

I've decided to come inside so that the Big Guy isn't worried about me.  I'm laying where I can keep an eye on the front door.  Yes, he has the screen door locked, but it's a screen door.  Someone may decide that they want to come in and I have to protect the house.

So yesterday, the Big Guy didn't make a Burnt End Roast.  Nope...  He made 2 Burnt End Roasts.

So you start by spicing up the meat
Then you get the charcoal chimney to start the charcoal

These things are used to put the wood pellets from his smoker into the charcoal grill
They stop the pellets from catching fire, but it does allow them to smoke

So the meat is on one side and the charcoal on the other

After an hour, you have to wrap it in tin foil

So, now that it's wrapped in tin foil
Back for another hour
You can see the Big Guy added more charcoal

You MUST keep hydrated during this process

Then you cut up the roast(s) into bite size pieces

Mix it with BBQ sauce and brown sugar
Back into the charcoal grill for a final hour

This is the end result

Here is a video that the Big Guy did the first time he did this
Click on the picture to see the video

Of course, you just can't imagine the smells that comes off this.

Because there was no onions in it, Tonya gave me a few pieces.  Of course I gobbled them up.

Later on, the Big Guy's ankles were all swollen up.  Not sure if it was from the heat, the beer or the salt that was in the spices to make his roast.  Either way, he needed to put his feet up.

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Bye bye fur now

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

25/Jul/18 the tiles are nice and cool

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Although you can't see it in the picture, the tiles in front of me are wet with my dripping saliva as I'm trying to cool off.  

Again, you can't see it in the picture, but I am also laying directly under the ceiling fan that is in the kitchen.

Today, we are getting a heat warning from the weather network.  They are telling people that work outside today, to be very careful and mindful of the heat.  The Big Guy is thinking about those workers that are on the highway that can't escape from the heat.  They are going to be sweating today for sure.

It's days like this that the Big Guy wished that they owned a swimming pool.  But they would have to give up parts of their back yard to do that and he is not into that.  So no pool.  Now, later on, when he moves to an apartment, perhaps they will have an indoor pool. 

Or a hot tub.  He really likes hot tubs.  Not a BOILING tub, just a hot tub where the water is warm and inviting.  He has been to places where the water isn't just hot, but really HOT.  He didn't enjoy that too much.

The Big Guy was saying that everyone at work is talking about the heat.  How hot it is and what not.  There is a lot of condensation on everything at work.  They need a big humidifier to deal with that.

The Big Guy plans to do a burnt ends roast today.  I bet I'm not going to get any of it.  Darn.  And it smells so good too!  Oh well, I bet if I bug Tonya enough, she will give me some.

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Bye bye fur now

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

24/Jul/18 I'm officially warm

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So were not used to this kind of temperature in Cape Breton.  I know that the temp is going to break soon, but not soon enough for me.  I can't even go for a walk in this type of heat.  Right now, it's 6 in the morning, it's already 22 with a humidex of 30.

I know, I know, this is a cool summer day if I lived in Texas.  But guess what...  I don't live in Texas.  I live in Cape Breton..  When the temp goes above +24, people start to complain about the heat and the humidity.

Although I'm sure the plants must be loving the sun and the humidy.  Everything is covered in dew.  As I'm looking over at the Big Guy, he's pretty much covered in sweat.  Like Tonya would say, "Not a good sweat, either".

There is a thermometer next to the computer.  Right now, it's displaying +27 in the house.  I know that the Big Guy would say, it's much better than displaying +17 in the house.  He doesn't much like the cold at all.

Tonya wanted me to sleep upstairs in the Master Bedroom last night.  I lasted about 2 minutes.  She said, with all the fans going, I would have been cooler.  Instead, I kept moving from kitchen tile to kitchen tile.  As I would move, each tile would cool off my belly.  Once I warmed up that tile, I would move to the next spot.

There is a big ceiling fan in the dining room and it finally stopped working.  Not cause it failed, but because the remote stopped working.  So the Big Guy is going to have to see about getting a new remote for the fan.  I wonder if it's going to be expensive?

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Bye bye fur now

Monday, 23 July 2018

23/Jul/18 I'm a pretty flower

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So yesterday was a bit warm.  Again, I know it's subjective.  Where I live, it was really hot out.  But I know when I say it's hot out, the Big Guy will talk about when he was in the Middle East as a peacekeeper.  He said, you want to talk about hot, now, there it was HOT.

You should try to wear a fur coat.  Then talk to me about the heat.

I should show you a after shot.  I've pretty much ruined this flower.  I was scratching at the earth to uncover the cool dirt that's under the flower.  It felt so good on my underbelly.

I went in my pool a few times and Tonya splashed me with water.  It didn't help too much with the heat.  What we needed was wind to keep us cool.

They also had a BBQ yesterday.  It smelled so good.  I think the Big Guy wanted to do a Burnt Ends Roast.  But Tonya told him no.  I looked at the weather for Wednesday and I can see him doing that on Wednesday.  So he will be outside, doing this BBQ while I am looking at him while I hang out on the deck.

Tonya bought the Big Guy a roast that he can do that special recipe.  So he's really looking forward to that.

OK, well, the Big Guy is itching to go watch last night's episode of Big Brother.  I guess they were talking about the LGBT community.  I haven't seen the episode just yet, but I heard they were not saying very nice things.  I wonder if it was as bad as all of that.  I've noticed that some people become enraged over the smallest things.  So I will have to watch it to see just what was said and then make up my own mind.

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Bye bye fur now