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Wednesday, 28 February 2018

28/Feb/18 I love toilet paper

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

When I see the bathroom door open, I know that I can eat a whole roll of toilet paper.

I just can't help myself.

I don't eat it all.  As you can see, there is some left on the floor.  Most of the toilet paper cardboard tube is gone.  So is most of the toilet paper.  It wasn't a full roll that was left out.  But if you look to the center left, you can see a whole roll has been left intact.

I only eat the toilet paper that's on the toilet paper dispenser.

This is why it's so important for the Big Guy and Tonya to close the bathroom door once they are done in there.  Otherwise, the toilet paper is MINE!

They also can't correct me as I have the memory of a goldfish.  I can't remember WHEN I did this.  But I knew I did it.

The Big Guy purchased a selfie stick at the dollar store last week.  It doesn't fit his current camera.  What was he thinking?  Oh well, it was $2.00.  Not like it broke the bank.

Last night the Big Guy decided to take me for a walk.  Well it's been snowing and most of the snow has melted a bit.  This means that there is a lot of ice all over the place.  So as he is walking me, he slipped and fell.  This was by the old post office.  But as he is laying there on the ground he can see where other dogs have pooed on the ground and their owner hasn't picked it up.  Probably due to all the ice in that area.  Of course he didn't want to slide into the poo.  So he had to sort shuffle on all fours, over to this railing so that he could pick himself up.  I just stared at him.  Of course I didn't help him get up either.  My leash became tangled up in my paws.  

We were quite the sight.

So, on to the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:

Forfend (verb)

My sentence:  If I knew you were so easy to forfend, I wouldn't have said that remark.

Definition:  To aver to prevent (something evil or unpleasant).

Sentence:  They had to forfend the enemy's advances or risk loosing the castle.

Today's Video of the Day:  Bernese Mountain Dog Fetches Treats Thrown Off Deck in Snow

Bye bye fur now.

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