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Friday, 2 February 2018

2/Feb/18 I'm innocent I tell ya, innocent

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Did I ever tell you the story about the kitchen tiles?  

Well, I was minding my own business.  Chewing on one of the many bones that the Big Guy has purchased me.  There is these two BIG bones that probably comes from an elephant.  I carry them around and I will drop them from time to time.

It makes a HUGE noise when I drop them from my mouth.

Tonya is always scared that I will drop them on her foot and smash her toes.  So far, my aim isn't that good.  


I was in the kitchen.  

I dropped the bone.

Tonya heard a "click".

I broke the kitchen tile.

The Big Guy isn't all that happy.

He is saying that this tile will not be replaced until I go somewhere called heaven.  Not sure where that is, but I think it's like over the rainbow bridge or something like that.

I got to help the Big Guy putting out the garbage today.  I was his BIG helper.  He lifted the garbage out of the bin and I would investigate to make sure that there was no food or toys in the garbage bag.  Then he lifted another garbage bag and I would research that one too.  Some bags were blue.  Some were clear.  But then he brought them all to the curb.  I didn't get to help bring them outside.

But we are supposed to get a lot of rain today.  This is going to melt the snow that fell yesterday.

There was a bunch of ice that was coating the Big Guy's car.  But because of the higher temperatures, all that ice is gone now.  There must have been something special about that ice.  The car was kinda dirty.  Well now the car is kinda clean.  I wonder if the Big Guy would like more ice to be put on his car again?

So, other news...  I went to the Vet yesterday.  I am happy to say, I will NOT be getting a second surgery.  The Vet is pretty happy about how the visit went.  I am still not allowed to go for walks.  Apparently I still have to heal some more.  But when it's all done, I'm going to have two sexy scars on my legs.  I've been told that the ladies love men with scars.  When the Vet was telling me that, she bent over to tell me how sexy I will look.  So I burped in her face.  She said that the ladies don't like being burped in their faces.

Geesh, you can't have it all you know.

OK, so Word of the Day.  Today's word is:

Labarum (noun)
[lab-er-uh m]

My sentence:  I got some blood work done and they brought it to the labarum where they analysed it.

Definition:  A banner or flag bearing symbolic motifs.

Sentence:  The protester carried a labarum to the march.

Video of the day.  This one is mine.  

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog January 2018 photo collection

Bye bye fur now.

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