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Thursday, 9 February 2017

9/Feb/17 you have my attention now

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday I wasn't so good.  I chewed up a pair of Tonya's shoes.  Ones that she really likes too.

I heard the Big Guy talking about getting this really super hot sauce from one of his friends at work.  Then he is going to mix it with olive oil and cayenne pepper.

But one of the ladies from work, said to use perfume.  I never tasted perfume.  It must smell nice, so it would go to figure, it should also taste nice too.  

I chew because I am bored.

I think the Big Guy couldn't care less if I am bored or not.  He just wants me to stop chewing up their stuff.

Some snow came off the metal roof last night.  I barked at it.  Then I went and laid down.

Tonya tried to shovel off some of the snow that was on the front and back deck.  But there was a lot of ice mixed into it.  She put some salt down to loosen it up.  So far, there is still ice on the back deck.  They have to be careful when going up and down the stairs.

Bye bye for now.

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