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Friday, 10 February 2017

10/Feb/17 tired after barking at the snow that fell from the roof

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I get to lay around a lot.  This is my "relaxed" pose.  I have a few others.  Sometimes I lay on my other side.

The Big Guy is pretty happy.  As he is looking outside, it doesn't look like there was a lot of snow that fell.  There must have been a lot more rain than snow.  Yup, he isn't upset about that AT ALL.

Now, if this layer was to freeze and then we get more snow on top of that, well, that is the stuff that avalanches are made of.  But since we don't live near any hills, no worries for us.

I have to admit, I REALLY do not like it when the snow comes off the roof.  It is so loud.  It makes me jump.  Then I see the snow falling past the window.  So I run up to the window and bark really loud at the snow.  It just lays there and does nothing.  Stupid snow.

The Big Guy was telling me that he got weighed yesterday and is down 6.5 pounds.  He was only supposed to get weighed today.  Normally Friday is his get weighed day.  But he couldn't wait.  He started off at 400.0 on the 1st of February.  He said that his goal for this year is to get down to 300.0.  I would say that so far, he is on track.  But I wouldn't want him to loose the weight too fast.  So far, he is really happy about what he is eating.  He said that he isn't hungry.  If anything, he is really full.

Now I have to go lay down for a bit.

Bye bye for now.

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