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Sunday, 26 February 2017

26/Feb/17 better wear your rain coat today

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

We are due to get a lot of rain today.  About 25 mm of rain.

The Big Guy is pretty happy about that.  He says that he doesn't have to shovel the rain.

So I am in the living room tearing apart my little piggy.  The first thing that I removed was one of his little feet.  Then I got to the stuffing.  Bit by bit, I am tearing him apart.  He lasted pretty long though.

When the Big Guy got up today. Tonya had made him breakfast.  She made an omelette with sausage, bacon, peppers and cheese.  I heard him say that he is SO full right now.

Little piggy pieces

Little piggy is resting, getting ready for the next round with me.

ATTACK little piggy!

Little piggy is an amputee.

I am betting, by tomorrow, wait...  tomorrow?  In about an hour, there will be very little left of little piggy.

Remember when little piggy was new?  I played with him for HOURS...

Sorry, but I have to stop for now and go take care of little piggy.

Bye bye for now.

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